
11,872 Game Reviews

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Very impressive

Very nice game, i played a few levels, it gets better as you go along, very fun and addictive at times, very fun game, and seems like you put some decent effort, the size was just about right for the quality of it, so notbad at all


I had fun with this

I had fun with this creator allthough i have seen a few like it it was still neat to mess around with and stuff, maybe add some animation to it somehow, but overall it was a fun bordem game, so notbad work, keep it up



So this game was pretty interesting the graphics are visualy awsome the gameplay of the platformer is very nice and smooth it gets pretty toogh as you move along, but overall this was actually a fun game indeed, I did find it entertaining and smooth and was overall pleased and it can even be addictive once you really get going with some nice depth of the game anyways nice job



So while its a fun point and click game you gave it some fun elements and some good comical style and that was the best part of it, still could use more medal achievments, but anyways a nice game here


Good one

While platformers are great this was a fun lil game you made it fun I do feel like the levels could be harder more depth to the harder ones somehow I like the style of this game a good vibe here Well a good ol game and you can't go wrong with that the game type is a blast to play, Good amount of medals too You bring this wonderfulgame a live with a style all on its own it is fun and unique and you show off some nice game skills, fun game nice platformer style and nice medals


Game is cute

So the game itself is pretty cute with the characters there are some basic mechanics with walking around, this game is notbad but does need more areas to walk around maybe some added detail to all the characters would also be nice



So another fun and entertaining point and click game here the deaths are kind of comical, some added medal achievments would be good for this point and click game it has some nice graphics though and fun gameplay



Very fun, and very zelda like but thats what made it so much fun, also good job on the "MUSIC" selections, as for the gameplay it was decent, the "SWORD" seems to move abit slow, but other then that it was very fun, loved it, hope to see more from you soon


Tricky game

The game was abit ticky, but most of all it was very laggy it was even hard to move, fun but just abit laggy, notbad game, also could use more visuals like smoother graphics but overall notbad here



Well this was fun and entertaining and the game didnt lag like alot of shooters that come through the portal, and some good backrounds nice shooting effects and was overall fun, and reminded me alot of my game Time crisis" lol, anyways nice game keep it up


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