
11,872 Game Reviews

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Haha this was funny, made me laugh abit, the characters were abit odd looking but the music was nice, could have used some backrounds though but honestly I had some fun with this particular game just needs a bit of attention


Good game

I like me a fun racing game here but have to say you added on your own lil twist of style here and a good concept at that, And does tend to get harder as you move along and that was all a big plus, Controls respond well and are actually pretty smooth so nice game indeed


Very nice

I like this one and the puzzle aspect of it all is pretty nice wish there was more variation though and more different puzzle systems too but overall I had a blast with this game here, but anyways keep up the good game making such as this one here


Cool game

This was a nice game and have to say was addicting to its nature of content, some nice level designs on this particular game, lots of enemies to deal with making it an overall fun game and like the dungeon aspect of it all, I had some fun with this game here



So a nice lil shooter but targets did seem somewhat hard to hit but maybe that is the intent overall the game was fun and a nice little time waster its all a fun game indeed so nice job here, Maybe add on bigger targets or something



Haha this was a fun game, had lots of fun with it, it was also very fast and upbeat which i liked, notbad ata ll, maybe add more targets next time. Add more shooting targets and other elements but anyways nice work


This was fun

This was a fun game, had lots of interesting grphics, but s for the gameplay it ws good infact i played it a few times, anyways fun game neet graphics and funny results, nice job Add some mini game stuff that would be neat, but besides that its notbad at all


Tricky game

Haha this was abit tricky, i did think the music was funny and really gets to you, the "BLOCKS" could have an improved look to them maybe solid colors or something, but anyways fun and neat game


Another good one

so this was another good one this one was a little shorter then the others, but the game was still fun I think you should ad much more medals though but this was pretty good and nice story depth here, but anyways keep up the good work as this was a fun game


Nice game here

So I like what you have presented here its pretty nice, As a platformer its notbad but could use some aded features maybe some extra bonus elements, The character height seemed to be issue at times but still I have to say I had some fun with the game and see potential in some polish


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