
11,872 Game Reviews

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Awsome game

This game was awsome, lots of great color, and very awsome effects, an amazing game from the start, and it didnt lag one bit it was just very fun indeed, nice job on the game


Strange game

This was a strange game, the graphics could be improved on, and maybe the balls could be abit bigger, but besides that it was od but entertaining little game, nice work though the design of the shapes and such was notbad and pretty simple


Fun game

Haha i had fun with this, it was very fun and very intense with lots fast speeds, i got all the way to just after the bridge, very fun indeed, you really should make more to this i love this game, so props to you on this one



Ha well im a fan of tetris, and i must say i have seen a few of these on the portal now and then, i do like that you wanted to make it somewhat different but its avit hard with tetris, it was fun though, so nice job, keep it up


Nice game

So this was a nice game you have here seemed a bit laggy but not too much, The last level was pretty intense if you ask me but again had some good fun on this game, Dodging bullets and missiles was a bit hard but one more time this was a fun game here



These are cool I like all the variation in the levels you have in here, some are very very tricky and you made them unique so some good puzzle system ideas with this game, and some very hard but it was all in good fun so nice game indeed


HighStrike responds:

Thank you for your support!
Currently this game has 100 levels, and it havn't update this year because of academic pressure. However, I am sure there will be a 120 levels version and even 135, and more.
If you are on some level and you cannot pass it just ask me!
And yeah, the game will be harder and harder if you go further.

- Your friend, HighStrike300


So something different here with this one the kiss ending medal was kinda funny but nice regardless, A cute little game here it was pretty funa dn refreshing some nice art like elements ehere but again nice work here



So I had some good fun with this it sort of reminds me of the original donky kong games back in the day before consoles lol, but it was fun great music awsome graphics and even better sounds and sound/FX really came through for a fun game experience



This was notbad of a game, abit on the easy side but still had its fun aspects, you really need to cut down the file abit though, also some more fun options in the game would be nice. anyways notbad of a game. Some fun user options, maybe some mini games or something, aswell as file reduction


Could be improved

This was notbad but could be improved on, like the buttons they seemed abit plain, and the backrounds could have been abit more of quality, i also noticed a few typo's so with a few fix-ups it could be improved


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