
11,872 Game Reviews

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Fun and entertaining game here I like it Fun and entertaining, very smooth running as well, the music was great giving it that fun feel and entertaining value, I didn't read the instructions but the controls were easy to understand, and the game was fun as it progresses to a harder state, overall good artwork and fun play, not bad at all, keep it up and hope to see much more from you


Fun Now here is a game that keeps me entertained, I love the option of it scrolling and moving along and whatnot, the soundFX make for a good and fun experience, the backgrounds are good, and the difficulty level gets better with progress, overall, a fun and very active game. and thats what I liked about this one


Cool Well not bad it was funny, and very active, but could use some more backgrounds, and as a dress-up fan I always like to see some background changer, but for sure more props and not just the few you had, I like the music options, but there could be at least one more without the file size going up to much more but regardless of all that I like the idea here


I love these types of games and the point and click games always bring on some fun interactivity, The chest was the hardest puzzle element but for the mostpart this was a nice search find and figure out game, I like the depth of this but anyways a good game indeed


A fun one This here was a fun space invaders game you really added some nice color depth to this giving it some nice play, it does get hard fast This was something different for sure, and you gave it some appeal and I was pretty entertained with what, anyways nice space invaders here


Well this was something different but I like it but seems like once you make something there is not too much after that adding on some mini games would be a plus for a gadget game like this, anyways a fun game you have created here nice gadget element


Shooter game with some alien element I had some fun here, A nice visual of graphics here and the gameplay was notbad I actually did enjoy this but it does seem to need more about it, I like the game anyways untill next time keep it real


So the game itself is notbad I do think there are some bugs now and then, Theres a lot of points to gain in this game its pretty nice, I think more options and features would be nice for more long term game elements, anyways good game here looking forward to more


Cute game and was pretty fun I do think adding on much more medals would be a nice push but overall with the valantines element this was a pretty fun and entertaining game here, You do have a decent and unique kind of a game here and had some fun


Well this was notbad I love the whole debate element of the game here the results came up good but this was also pretty funny and entertaining and you have some good art style and visuals on this made for a fun interactive game here so nice job indeed


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