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Not bad, its kind of different with paintballs and all, but the shootings didn't take much damage on the enemy, and the gun shaft didn't move when the aimer did, could be a few things to work on, and you may also want to think about adding more enemies maybe some different ones, anyways nice try, better luck next time but do know its notbad


Well not bad, its decent, could use more work on a few things like some of the graphics, by adding more detail and more elements like effects and whatnot, then the file size is a bit much for the content, but it was fun and the idea is neat but still needs some cleaning up.


Well notbad I loved the qwerky music and the clock related The conrols are simple the concept different but overall it was a cute and fun game, the art style was nice the clocks look good better then years before, but anyways once again some nice little fun on this game


A fun little game here has some interesting aspects of the game here the cute characters the floating elements but most of all a fun game here, I like the style overall and had some fun with this cute little game here hope to see more with this type


rhys510 responds:

Thanks, always thought the pooper games would be good on mobile but the mobile game space is too saturated now I guess

Now this was a pretty amazing game the controls are very smooth and repond well and are simple enough, the graphics and gameplay are good and some nice content lots of different elements but I really enjoyed the game here very intense here so nice game keep it up


This was pretty nice I like the search and find in this game its like a point and click but then not lol, no but really a fun game some nice visuals could use more fancy effects on impact moments, controls are qwerky but got use to them, anyways nice game

KnoseDoge responds:

thanks ! ,':)

Now this was one of the better platformer games in a long while and loved the voices and characters with the story at the start, A fun game great platformer guns and action moves all worked well with the controls and a moothe gameplay and some nice medals so good game here


Another fun and fantastic egg game love the matching system but why just one medal this could be much more fun with many more medal options, Not bored with this at all allowing the player to focus on the fun gameplay so for me this game was a nice touch some good style and flavor and you just make it work right from the start, Its games like this that really spark some good interest and fun elements, this could be much more fun with many more medal options


Great game here The programming is pretty good in this one but the point and click style is even better on this game and the visuals are nice I love these point and click games, but anyways i had some fun here its a pretty nice game here and hope to see more


Well this was notbad I really like all the medals really makes it fun I think I put some good amount of time on this game, The different characters are pretty nifty and unique, More tracks in the game and some mini games that bring on even more challange would be a plus anyways nice game


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