
11,872 Game Reviews

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Fun and addictive game here This was fun and addictive, it has some good replay value, the controls were easy to understand so it was very user friendly, I would work on lowering the file size as it was a while dl on my machine, anyways great game would love to see a new version.


A pixel style game The final boss on this was nice Cool game with some pixel style, A pixel style of a game with a lot of pixel visuals and graphics you can't go wrong with some pixel visuals just as you have created here on this game, But anyways keep up the good game creating and do make even more.


A fun game here You have a fun game here and I like the vibe you gave it all the different medals are a real plus here, this one is that its pretty good so far and as I get more into this entry it does get better and better, with each new element, so I'm starting this review off with a good note because you have presented something nifty and interesting, Nice job.


Well this was interesting game you have created here the balance between areas seem not all balanced but its still a fun game here, Your talents are good with designing games because this was a solid play of the game itself, I love the idea and the format of the game very fun indeed


I like this platformer game here it was a bit different but still interesting the music was actually pretty good in this one, the death animation was actually kind of funny lol The level system was nice but that first level was a bit tough at first, but anyways nice game


Another platformer game here this one was kind of interesting, I do think some added polishing would be a nice touch up on this game, I did like your art and music in this, The game levels are some of the best parts of this game, Jumps seemed glichy at times, but overall its a fun little game here


A cool and fun puzzle element game here, I did think the collision detection seems off a bit and could be in more contact, More features would be nice like some jump options and more freedom options and would create a more fun and entertaining game here


Well this was an interesting game here a platformer type, Simple and fun thats what I got from this yet still pretty interesting and with its own stylish elements, For me this was a nifty little game a nice platformer type and I had some fun on this one


This was an interesting game you have made here I found it to be not just fun but also a bit challenging and thats what I like about it, The shooter element was also nice some good controls on this and responded well on here anyways nice game


Decent Fun and entertaining game, I had fun with it, maybe some better layouts and some better sounds, to go with it, it just needs little stuff like effects and more detail in the artwork, it was fun though, very entertaining, so not bad at all on this little game


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