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An amazing maze game and you have actually put a new spin on the maze games of the old, the music was very nice and unique but also like that you added in a mute button, The level designs are really good and different from each new one, The mechanics are nice and controls are pretty straight forward, so for me this was actually a really fun game nice designs here on this one.


This was notbad I like an RPG style this was actually ok with how the game plays theres a lot in this game and this was fun, I had some good game time on this game I'm glad because it was a pretty solid game


Hyptosis responds:

Thanks for the kind words!

This was something different kind of a mix between pacman and space invaders but still pretty fun A fun space invaders game you really dont see these types of games anymore but it does bring me back to my atari days so this was pretty nifty of an old space invaders game you added some fun to the classic game that is here


This was actually pretty good with a mix of movie and game, You added something extra with this game entry another fun game here and you bring on some nice ideas with this specific game making it fun, I like the breaks in the story for some interaction and such the visuals were nice the narratting was good, Glad its not just the same old style of game I do like me some fun games and you have done just that here, A fun game with a story behind it and even some comical element


Well this was something different and a fun platformer style game here, it can be really hard though but I do enjoy the starwars theme on this, I still think you have a good game here and hope to see much more soon


Well guess you cant go wrong with space invaders except with some smile faces lol A good classic that has came alive here and this was pretty fun with this one I like these older games too and you really have made this classic fun and come alive would have loved even more new elements but overall its a fun classic


Another great point and click game lots of fun but I really liked the visuals of this game with the style and some fun interactivities all across the board, your entry shows the effort and quality so please do make even more


Doom invaders nice Here we go another classic game with astroids theme and have to say these types are still pretty fun I like what you have presented here on this one, The whole astroids style may be old but it was fun to revisit the old classic


The game was fun and some good puzzle element here and not too hard either, I do think you could mix of some random elements into the areas, Alright so you have made a difference with this one and you even acomplished alot here as well and you have proved that your idea works out well, The game was fun and even a bit addictive, You have the skills to move forward very far ofcourse you have shown good focus and have made this a terrific piece of game here, Overall a fun little game here it was pretty entertaining


There was a lot of nifty search and find elements on this game and that made it fun the visuals are nice on this and the gameplay was pretty fun, the start is nice and appealing you compansate later with good depth, good game here


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