
11,872 Game Reviews

706 w/ Responses

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You have Established a good submission here with this entry, and with a good and Positive attitude and good direction you really have brought out the good in this, Infact I Realized it was more Spectacular then I thought so nice job there The voice acting was really good here You got front page for this so props to you for that A Halloween theme here and that is a plus the 3D intro was one of my faves too, I can see this going even father as it has lots of potential.

A good game experience so no changes needed at this time.


Nifty skill type

I have to say the music was really kicking good in this one, and its addicting of a good game, Its a game you really have to pay attention Well what we have here is a good strategy type of game and you really gotta pay attention and keeps you thinking next steps, these types of games are always somthing to adore as they require more thinking but thats whats fun about these types.

None needed


Nifty quiz game

The way you have to play this one with the words was a very nice concept Im sure some improvments could be made but overall this was a nice lil game, Its a nifty little quiz game fun and pretty amazing on some points but really like the idea and the concept of the game itself as you really make it look easy anyways nice game here.

Nice game make more soon


Unique game

This was a pretty good game loved the differences between story for male and female I can see you actually put some effort into this game here, and Some good humor here, The medals are rather easy you may think about adding some harder ones, but anyways keep up the good game making.

The medals are rather easy you may think about adding some harder ones


Very interesting game

The game was a tad bit hard but was fun and maybe thats the intent platformer types are always fun and you made it really fun, the stylish elements you make it entertaining and not always easy but thats what a good platformer does I found this to be a very interesting game and a stylish game on top of all that so nice platformer.

No suggested ideas for this fine game


A cow platformer

this was different with turning into a walking cow and hiding very fun there the controls are very good and the AI of the enemy is good I had fun with this game and enjoyed the stylish elements you make it entertaining and not always easy but thats what a good platformer does I supose, but it was a pleasure to review and play this fine game of yours with all the elements and fun of it.

No ideas come to mind at this time


A nice game

So here was a nice game with some nice special attacks, great music and animation seemed to fit in so well with this game the boss moments are always a fun part of this game, the medals are nice but could use more anyways nice game.

the medals are nice but could use more



Well the game is fast paced and not much medals here you could have other medal options like made first eye contact lol, no but really kind of hard to get that 1000 point medal anyways fun game here make more

Ad more medals


Nice game

So you have a nice game here its a good fun game, game can be improved on some areas like its sort of laggy, Reloading needs to be smoother and faster, The shield was nice I didn't really use shield that much, but regardless this was a fun lil game

As suggested


Nice game

A nice game you have here stage 2 was kind of challenging The most of the game was straight forward and you really have to time your shots found it surprisingly difficult towards the end The game is pretty decent and the medals are nice, but the game was a bit short anyways nice game.

As suggested


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