
11,872 Game Reviews

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Well this was a fun one of course it could use some polish and I like the idea and concept of the memory element here but again some added polish and even more intertactivity would be nice on this one


Haha well this was an interesting one and seem to make for an interesting element of a game gere not sure I could make it to the final one though lol, anyways fun game here


Well the idea here is nice you seem to have a good idea here would be nice with some added elements and more polish all throughout but overall a fun little designer of a game here I like this one here


Aww another one one of these types pretty nice aww another one cool this one was abit better and it was an enjyble game fun fun and more fun, A fun game and even more fun Add some nifty effects for extra measure but anyways a good game here some nifty elements


Great game here Now here is a great game even for the time it was submitted in kind of reminds me of that old classic bomber man, the instructions interface could use a better look and feel to it though Improve on the interface colors borders butons etc, A fun game good to goof around on


That was interesting and this game type brings on some nice elements, That was an interesting but yet fun game the, Graphics were very impressive though and I liked the music choice so you did very well in this especially with presentation A fun and silly game


Well this was notbad I like the game here the sports element of this game is nice, The power shots on this game could be better and with more power push lol, The art and graphics are somewhat different then normal but still ok, So overall for me I found the game to be entertaining and you have some nice interactivities about this game so I had some fun here


Well this was an odd one but this was a fast and fun game weed for the earth I suppose lol, I did have some fun with this game though it was entertaining and a fun experience


Well this was a nice game some of your games are spammy but some are nifty now this one probably needs more instruction but it was a cute and nifty design on this one


This was notbad and one of your better games the Arrow mechanic is nice This one could use some medals and achievments the game ran pretty well and fast so nice work with this one


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