
11,872 Game Reviews

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This one had a more simplicity about it like the art style and that was ok, The puzzle systems are nice not too easy and nor too hard but still give a challange, The ending could have been better and maybe even longer with more story element there overall a fun game here


The graphics are as always pretty good on these games and really have enjoyed the point and click style here, The puzzle systems are nice like the 5-color witch lock was a bit tough, But once again another fun and interesting game you have made here


A good escape game you have devolped here with some interesting visuals even a bit of a story there, Decent graphics and puzzles for a quick game the game itself was a more shorter one but this was notbad I like the point and click escape game here


Decent game you made for us all to enjoy This was a decent game had some decent actuon good fighting the effects and detail could have been more maybe thats something to work on besides what was said it was cool A fun and decent little game here I had some fun with it


Well notbad not too easy and not too hard but you should make it so there are easier options its a good idea and I rather enjoyed it, Make it possibly easier for other people A fun game you have here needs some improvments some small added elements and aspects


groovy and even swanky So before I do get into more detail in this review I wanted to get a few things out such as that you have thrown in the element of suprise Ahh another snake game heh, people really like thease snake games, anyways kinda gets abit choppy, but a cool set-up and i had fun with it sonotbad at all, keep on flashing


Well another entertaining and fun game here seems like it could use more maybe more rooms etc but again Its a game I had some fun with here so in that aspect of things it was ok


Well frog casino is notbad with this one the visuals could be better and maybe even some different games thrown in there even some added medals and achievments would be a plus


A platformer style of game with some interesting elements and fun idea but also didnt know what to do other then jump around lol, If anything it was an entertaining game you have created here


Chess was nice the board was ok but could have more visual details the music was pretty jamming on this, I seem to lose interest but there was a funny factor in all of this


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