
11,872 Game Reviews

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Now this was actually a fun lil game you created I like the car control could be smoother the black circles could have images of tires since there was a bit of bounce when hitting them but overall a fun lil car game on this one here


Good tutorial I found this to be a pretty good tutorial here This was kind of professional in an artistic way or maybe I'm just odd lol Some extra amenities of detail would be great on this though, This is a game that can sustain the weather of the portal meaning it came out on top and maintained some interest so nice job there but regardless nice tutorial


Very cool Ha that was great, a pong game but so different, a bit slow, and make blood when you hit the guy that would be very cool ha, anyways great game of a classic game I am pretty proud to review this one and I hope you keep up the good work A masterpiece of design is something we all thrive for and you have accomplished that here. so keep up the success you have been doing and do what you do best I felt this was a tad underrated but had a good Pulse so nice job indeed keep up the amazing games.


Nice one here and once again I find myself enjoying this game you have made for us after all this is a fun site and you made this one enjoyable to the max and you really have made this fun for all Well it is a good idea, it interests me, but there is just way to much text for people to really get into it, good music though, not bad just too much of one thing kind of kills it


Unique concept and just overall fun game And here is a submission Loaded with lots of goodies and the development is just as good this one also had a great Buzz about it What made it gothic, was it cause it was black ha, well need a lot more then that for it to be gothic, well it was fun to play for about hundredth time, no really it was cool, needs more background maybe some kind of design


I found this one to be fun A unique and epic game if I do say so myself, A nice little fast paced game with some cool mechanics, the platformer style had always been my fave I like the style you have pushed forward on this one I like the game so keep it up, last level is really difficult but still pretty fun anyways great game here had some fun with this one


An action shooter with purpose some nice medals and achievement points here This really makes your heart skip a beat lol, The projectiles seem to be the tough points in this game though, shooting and dodging there lasers and rockets was nice but overall some fun and intense action here


Interesting game Puzzles were challenging enough for a quick game and while these are pretty fun wish there was more to them with more story and more achievments too, But in the end I had some fun on this game and this series of games so nice job indeed


Well notbad with this one the second stage seems to have some issues was not sure what happened with the floors etc, But with the whole point and click style here it has some nice potential about it and overall fun just needs some fixing and cleaning up


And once again another interesting game The ale did cost abit lol, The old man said the ground was soft haha these games bring some good humor but overall some nice point and click style of game here, I like the visuals even if simple but makes for a fun game


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