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Fun game

lol ok must admit that was another fun one of yours with the same style and concept as the other 9/11 the screen size was abit small, but i like this one because you gave it some good {MUSIC/ART} and this one was much more fast paced, still fun and {ADDICTIVE} so props again to you, nice job and i look forward to more funny amusing and 9/11 related games, untill next time great job. and once again i look forward to more of your games.

improving on this one, might make the {SCREEN} larger somewhat, other then that it was ok.

another 9/11 related game fun and addictive


Kevin responds:

Haha I think I'm done with 9/11 games, not a whole lot left to cover, but who knows, maybe next year on 9/10 I'll be like "SHIT MIGHT AS WELL MAKE ONE".

top notch review though, it's all criticism I can take into account for future reference and that's *insanely* hard to come by these days, so I commend you for that.

Maybe you play as the missiles in the next game? M. Night Shamalayan twist right there.

Amuing and entertaining

ok so while this was pretty entertaining game, it had its {ISSUES} such as the keyes {STICKING} now i understand thats on purpose but sometimes it just sticks too much and drives you right into a {MISSCLE} thats about the only real bad point on this, but for the most part this was a pretty fun and good time waster game, so besides that it was alright of a game. anyways untill next time keep up the decent games.

Could losen up on the sticking just kills the gameplay abit

fun game good for time wasting.


Kevin responds:

There's a sequel if you want to check it out... Also I've never had stick key problems... But I'll look into it for you

Fun and fast paced game

ok so fun game here and for 60 seconds, the {SCREEN} is somewhat small but i guess thats the idea, its still a pretty fun game and i guess thats the idea with the small screen to make it harder and such, so as for making improvments and having a better outcome, you could possibly add another version with more time maybe 120 seconds? just an idea though, anyways great game i had lots of fun with it, and i look forward to more fun stuff like this, also like the {MEDALS} anyways nice work again.

so i suggested some other versions, even a larger screen.

fun and fast paced game with good medal points.


Decent pool game

ok so i love pool and this was right up there with some of the best pool games in {FLASH} anyways, very impressive, The {LOADING-TIME} could have been somewhat better, but it was still worth the load, so great job there, now i must say this was kinda hard, the {SHOOTING} part can be tricky when you want it to hit a spot, but still i have to say it was still pretty entertaining and fun, so untill next time keep up the good work. and fun games

some smoother shooting would be nice

fun game great classic of pool, but needs more smooth shooting


Decent game

So this was notbad, i liked it, allthough took abit to {LOAD} not a big issue just something i noticed, ok so the game starts off really fast and theres alot going on with fire and lightning, and im guessing its a {BOSS} level, you should make it so that you have to work upto stuff and the lightning and fire really hurt you fast maybe you could tone that down somewhat, but other then that this was notbad even for a boss level, hope to see more from you soon.

more {BUILD-UP} could be a starter point and maybe not so leathal with the fire and lightning hurting too fast

Fun game but needs more, needs {PORTALS for more extra stuff]


SunOh responds:

On second thought, you're right.

Pretty cool

Ok so first off this was a pretty fun game you have dazzled us with some nifty graphics even as i look at the {MENU-SCREEN} its very impresseiv and even creative on your part so nice job there the {BUTTONS} looked very fresh and respended well, so awsome job from the interface and great music that seemed to fit on this i really liked it, the whole idea of this was pretty nifty with the notes and music it was a nice idea and i really liked it, as for improving not sure it was pretty good, maybe some backround {EFFECTS} with the notes and stuff but other then that this was a good piece, keep up the good work.

As mentioned some backround effects to go along with the notes and all.

A good game nice interface and cool ideas here.


Tzai responds:

Thanks XwaynecoltX for your review and suggestion! Glad that you enjoyed the game!


Ok first off this really seemed {CREATIVE} nd as you menu page showed there was some even better creativness there took just a tad to load but in the end it was allright i thought so great idea, You may want to re work the play button sometimes it didnt want to play, but from you did do here with the drawings and all it was welldone very creative and must have took you some great patience very good drawings though and i just love the whole idea though, anyways nice job

the play button was not activating at times but did finally get it going

creative idea here pretty amazing if you ask me



So i guess i missed robot day 2011 but its always nice to go back and check whats out there, now this one starts off slow but its ok the music was interesting very low sounding? something to fix later possibly, Now when the game did start the music seemed better especially in sound quality, as for the game itself it was pretty simple and straight forward and had a nice {PLEASENT} feel aswell as playstyle so great job the in game music helped with that but could be louder at the menu screen other then that i dont see any other changes that should be made to make it better but it was an entertaining and fun game.

Fun and simple the only issue with this one was that it could use some more volume on the starting of the music, maybe but not needed maybe have the robot walk faster when you move him and jump, just an idea though

Fun and simple game and great for robot day it was fitting


EventHorizon responds:

thanks for your helpful review and for your advice!

Fun game

The game was actually alright kinda fun i thought, the {CONTROLS} seemed like they could be reworked for more a friendly usere case, You had some good music in this wich really got me in the mood for the play style so that was a nice little touch there, as for the levels they were notbad, it does get harder as you go on and thats always a plus in any games, another good thing was the addition of {MEDALS} but i think you should add much more medals it would make it much more fun of a game, all and all it was a fun game, and would love to see more games like this so nice job indeed.

Fun game the controls could be easier or maybe a more user friendly style, also more medals will only make this game better then it already is.

Fun game nice levels


thinking-man responds:

Yeah, stupid time constraints...

Pretty decent game

ok so the loading time was not an issue but would have been nice if it was somewhat better in that area, it didnt take alot of time to load, but again something to think about in the next one, So as it did load, i was looking all over for the {PLAY-BUTTON} and it took me longer then expected but found the tiny button, another tip of improvment might be to make a better button, something more visible, I like how this starts with a story, The game is pretty fun, and its like a story wich shows good creativity on your end, so nice job on this and i had fun with this, there were just a few issies with loading time, and maybe the buttons but not much of an issue, other then that i thought it was alright, so nice job on this one and nice creativity.

As for the {PLAY-BUTTON} >> Work on the button, make it look more like a button, all you have was the text of a buttion, you should make the text with a box or circle around it, and make that clickble aswell, that will give more area to click on and not so hard to click on by viewers.

A fun story game pretty good.


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