
11,872 Game Reviews

706 w/ Responses

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This is an awesome game, i like how much fun it is, and how you have an animated intro on your menu screen. The animations are really clear, and smooth. The sounds, and music go great with your game, and sound nice, and clear. The gameplay is smooth, and the control are fun to use, it is a really fun game...


((( COOL FUN )))

Whoa this is an awesome fun game, i loved all the detail you have in it, and the gameplay is really nice. The animations are cute, and i liked how you could shoot medicine to kill those evil germs. The music went well with the whole game, and it looked like the heart was beating to the beat heh, its a really cool idea, and a fun game...


Asvegren responds:

Credit for the custom music goes to DJRunaway ;) Thanks for the review.

((( DECENT )))

Hmm, the game is decent, but it could use a bit more to it, maybe next time you could add some background music, and sound effects to make it more entertaining, but it is pretty decent so far. The gameplay is nice, and i liked the many matches you can get in here, i also liked how you can start up a new game, it was fun to play...


((( FUN )))

Well it is a fun, and simple game, i like the way you have a small story set up at the start, and how you can enter in a password in the menu. The animations are ok, and i liked how you made the characters all in a square style. The music goes good with your game, and the gameplay was really nice, and fun...


((( ORIGINAL )))

Wow you have a really original idea here, i like how you added more to this version, and how you can choose to put your own music, and picture on there, i also like how you dont need to have a webcam it makes things more easy on a lot of users. The items you made to dress up with are nice, and i like how you put the menu together, its a fun game...


((( FUN )))

Whoa this is an awesome game, i liked how you chould choose to fight yourself, or have the computers fight each other. The music is ok, and its good for a fighting game, i liked the gameplay, and the detail into this game was really nice...

Good job...


((( AWESOME )))

Good idea, i liked how the little men would scream this silly saying whenever they died, and how they kept coming at you from both sides made it more harder to beat. The animations are nice, and i liked the idea for this game. The music, and sounds are great in this game, and i really liked how you had a good menu at the start...

Keep up the good work...


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