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Fun battles here

wow great game the intro was great and fast, but once you get into the game it is fun and has a whole "MARIO-BROS" feel, its a wellmade game, I didnt hear much sound/FX on the gunfire, but does get somewhat better with the boss battles, fighting the boss was notbad at all, fun and have to get use to the controls as it was hard to figure out at first.So after playing it abit it does get more fun and somewhat addictive great 2d shooter with some pretty nifty graphics, and great boss battles, it does lack more mid level monsters though more focus is on boss battles besides minnions, other then that its pretty impressive

controlls could be better, maybe spacebar could be better as a jump, also some higher sounding gun fire sounds would work too, add more monsters more focus on mid level monsters.

fun game with some great boss battles.


Fantastic game here

ok so this game was pretty fun, and funny, it was "SIMPLE" and you had some "HIP" music to go with so i was impressed with that now stages 1 and 2 were pretty decent and not hard at all, the 3rd stage was however pretty hard of a level, and thats about as far as i could have gone, so you have a pretty "SOLID" game here, now it did lack other levels so thats something you could possibly work on, maybe even more advanced graphics as levels progress just an idea though, but here you have it fun simple and good music to it, and thats what i enjoyed most about its, anyways solid job.

adding more levels, maybe some differant graphicly looking one more advanced graphics as levels get harder.

run and jump for your life in this awsome fun game


Great puzzle action

this was a fun game it sorta reminds me of "ZELDA" like when he moves blocks and stuff, maybe thats your inspiration, regardless this was a pretty nifty and creative game, its also simple and makes you think on where to move stuff and it only gets better from the tutorial so nice job sofar on this, the play controll is pretty impressive aswell, So this was a pretty solid game very good level of puzzles and has replay value i had fun with this game tends to get really tricky at times, so besides all that i had fun with it its simple yet hard but most of all a fun game.

So its pretty solid of a game, i wouldnt mind seeing some more "EFFECTS" like when you complete a level,

Fun puzzle game



ha ok so this was a pretty fun game 30 quizz questions and puzzles always fun especially with some medals and such, the "MUSIC" choices were pretty cool especially the old ng theme song, all the music choices were great except one of them was abit scratchy, "#2" i believe, the game was fun and kept me interested, some hard some easy so overall i had alot of fun with this and was very entertaining, so i think the only issue here was the one track abit low in quality, but other then that this was a pretty decent and fun game. Ialways love these types of games they are classic,

as above reads, the one track number 2 was abit staticky, not a big issue but offsets from the other choices.

a classic from the past of newgrounds quizes and puzzles a fun game for all to enjoy



i remember playing either this one or the other version but either way nyan cat is always fun very amusing and the cute music and even cuter design, as for the game itself its simple and its good that way, i did have some fun with it, it could use more "MEDALS" though more differant types too, maybe howmany baddies you can dodge is one way of doing it, but anyways a good game here it has cute all over it, and while i didnt get all the medals it was still somewhat entertaining but its mostly a cute game. keep up the fun games ill look for more of your comming work soon.

more medals more stuff to do besides just dodging

fun game simple and cute


Great point and click game

So this was a neat little "CONCEPT" with intro the game controller or game little system, kinda neat i thought, also the "INSTRUCTIONS" tutorial was pretty nifty too thought it was neat, so again nice job on those aspects of the game, now the game itself was notbad kinda neat and the youtube tutorial helped abit, theres alot in the game and thats awsome for a point and click game maybe too much stuff to do but for the most of it i was generally pleased and enjoyed what was here on the game, a good story lots to do and overall entertaining so nice effort all around on this one,

there should be some hints or maybe a character that gives hints when in trouble

a fun game lots to do and check out a great point and click game


Decent shooter

OK so so the tutorial while the big file is loading was a very creative and nifty idea, props to you on that one i was impressed with that and it did give me something to do wich i was glad better then just looking at an empty screen so once again nice job on that part, So as i get into the game its ok, kinda neat fun and has some replay value but i did find it to be "CHOPPY" the little ship can get hit easially and destroyed, but thats just the game, some better type of upgrades would be nice, so i must say the game is still fun in the end i think you should cut the music down and allso maybe all the activity going on is also another result for the choppyness and sometimes freezing up.

i think you should cut the music down and allso maybe all the activity going on is also another result for the choppyness

Hood overtop shooter, its abit choppy but still entertaining


Really fun and cute game

So for starters this was cute, the little intro was very cute and gets you into it the music also shows more of the cuteness to this and i was well entertained with that, ok so i started with thr tutorial level and right away i became "ADDICTED" to this game its smooth running easy to understand and doesnt bore you its fun and gets even better as you play, so in that level the only issue i did see was not able to place the "CANNONS" in random places besides just the row, so the game gets pretty fast paced which is pretty good and its still fun after keep playing so nice job and props this has alot of replay value great game i loved it.

being able to place the cannons in random places would be nice, but that was just from the tutorial level. but i do understand and as you play the rows are not as bad as i thought

cute fun and addictive



So i like this game very fun very interesting and kept me wanting more, the large file was not a big issue because you did present a good game and an extra plus with all the medals and stuff, So after playing it abit it was really good and pretty fantastic there was some lack of color but that was how your game is but would have been cool if the character was red or blue and the rest was black and white, just an idea though. the "GRAPHICS" were very good i can understand with the black and white style as you had use of lighting and shadowing effects and that really brought out the game alot more in detail. So the game gets really intense and it reminds me alot like a "CASTLEVANIA" games the levels get harder and some really good action fight scenes so i was really impressed with it the deeper levels get really tough, so props to you on an amazing game i really liked it.

would have been cool if the character was red or blue and the rest was black and white, some of the deeper levels were abit much maybe some sorta extra energy might sufice.

A great game if you like castlevania you will probably like this


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