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So in my opinion this was a pretty good game, the first level was actually pretty good and very easy and simple as some might say, but mostly too easy, maybe you can make the first level somewhat more interesting and harder. Also nice effects especially with all the level completions that kind of made it more entertaining so props to you on giving it some nice and flashhy effects. As said before this was more simple then anything else but the game it self was hard to master, so regardless it was still fun and entertaining, But anyways you have some good work here allthough some more effort for better improvment could be done for an overall better out come, Its not perfect but is ok for what you did supply in content, so on that part of stuff it was notbad at all. keep up the good work.

I really found your flash interesting but still has room for improvments, so with these ideas i hope you can make it somewhat better, hope the ideas do help as you do have a decent flash here. maybe you can make the first level somewhat more interesting and harder.

You have some decent work here, and i was pleased to have seen it, while it does need some work i still enjoyed your work and look forward to more improvments and or updates as it has alot of potential, but for the mostpart this was decent stuff, so keep up the great flash works. Good game kinda simple at first but does get better as you play on, could be harder though especially in the earlier levels.

This was actually a pretty good game, the creatures were neat, very well designed and was neat to see a good ai in this wich you presnted well, so nice job there, i was impressed, Great choice of music and sounds wich came in handy and made for a pretty good game here, The game play was not that hard but i was happy with how the art and graphics was of some god quaulity, so nice work there, And once again we have another decent flash, theres not alot i can say to improve on this but there are some things that could be cleaned up as menioned and below, but for the most of this its pretty good and i liked everything i saw here, so keep up the good work. So anyways great game it all seemed to be very interactive and fun, hope to see more of your work soon.

I found this to be a decent flash, but still thought it could be better, I hope with abit more effort and some more ideas as suggested it can be much improved, Such as maybe not so simple but give it some sorta depth. even more design to it,

What a great presentation you presented here, while it could use more effort and a few other stuff, i still enjoyed what you made here, and i hope others enjoyed it as much as i did, good luck on your next flash works. Great game fun and simple and nice graphics, really good design here.

This was a pretty good game, i like the fresh feel and smooth element you brought into this that was anice addition, I love the world you created for this though, The game was hard at times maybe thats an area you can make it easier for users and such, The game was fun and i like all the medals you should think about adding moremedal options though, So while i liked this flash there are some good and bad about it, i went over it abit but have suggested some more ideas below hope it helps, its not major but could use more of the effort on little stuff here and there, anyways hope it helps as this was actually a pretty good flash. So anyways good luck on your next piece i really enjoyed this though. Hope to see more of your work soon.

There are some improvments that could be made, here are a few suggestions, some effort on your side will only make this even better. So give these options a try, Such as some easier options for players, and some more detail in the graphics and art.

So overall this was actually a pretty good flash, there were a few things that could be better as suggested above, but overall it was pretty good,

Ok so this was actually notbad kinda neat if you ask me I have been fans of dress ups and even though this one is older still could use some work and or an upgrade of sorts. I think you can start out with much more props make some sorta background changer. Now these are Just some ideas but its a start in the right direction. So try and fix it up with more interesting stuff. Good luck


Fun and addictive

wow i played the game and son it was wow this is fun but had to keep up speed, i did get too 75 first time so that was neat, this was a cool little game because it was differant and something new made from something basic so that was cool, you should possibly make the dots more colorful or change up color here and there, maybe even have the backround change color, that would also be something distracting, anyways the game is really fun and kind of addictive, i really enjoyed it, nice job indeed. on a last note, why not even make a larger "VIEW-SCREEN" but other then that this was a pretty fun and amazing game.

fun game very fast paced, you should possibly make the dots more colorful or change up color here and there, some other color effects like in backround aswell as making the view screen larger.

Fun addictive and fast paced game.

Cogwirrel responds:

Glad you enjoyed it!

If you're looking for more colour, you might like to try "<Themes>", specifically the random theme which makes things much more colourful!

Awsome classics

Wow so first off this was fun, ill start off first with the pre-loader, and menu page, it was funny and amusing, especially just pushing the button on that old nes, i remember always having to do that or even blow in the game, its funny to see this stuff again especially throughout the game, so awsome job, also love the fact that there are alot of medals for this game, its a plus just with that alone, So right as you get into the menu page it has that old style feel and makes it an instant winner with this reviewer, so awsome job on the music, all the sprite work, and just the overall fun of the game, Its also funny because i have played most of these games back in the day, but anyways great game i had fun with it.

What can you say about a game in the making for 10 years its brilliant, doesnt need any changes.

Fun classic game from the ole nes, awsomely fun


Hmm so this was pretty interesting, as it starts out with some pretty good music and you really had me with the idea, so i guess on those aspects of things you got me on the jokes and all, then it goes into the end with the spinning face and all, and with that i did get a laugh from it, so that part was pretty amusing, and again you got me and im s\assumming others aswell, so in the end it was funny and amusing, aswell as some decent music, so how can this be improved, as a suggestion maybe when the spinning face comes up you can have some wacky music maybe the trciky the clown theme song or something just an idea though, so it was an ok flash not much to the game part of it but i did get a chuckle from it.

a more amusing song at the end, for more of the humor part of it, but besides that it was good for the joke presented.

An entertaining idea and the joke gets across, so i had fun with it as will others, good luck on anythingelse you have planned for us.

Lare responds:

So it was a perfetc flash, but you don't like the trololo song? And that's why I get 6? lern2review

Amusing game

so notbad on this a small game yet alot to offer while playing the preloading screen was pretty neat as it forms the percentage of how much is left so i give you some creativity on that aspect of things, ok so the game is odd and funny the music was amusing, the controls on how he was jumping was kinda hard to deal with, the art was pretty good, i just didnt like how slow-motion it felt but i suppose that was the idea to make it somewhat hard, dont get me wrong its a fun game but can get anoying with how the game plays, anyways other then that this was notbad at all, The medals were pretty easy and basic but syill liked the game and had alot of fun with it.

make the controls more easy flowing on the actions of the character, and possibly change the music up abit.

fun game kinda odd at times.

Fun and entertaining game.

the game is pretty intense very hard to play at times and for some of the medals, where you gotta play through without shooting that was abit much, so maybe add some easier possible medals if you can, also its like water so the current of it pulls you in sometimes, you shouldnt make it as hard as it is in the first level, and the boss was a whole nother story, there should be protection areas while fighting the boss, somehow, but with all the troubles it was a pretty good put together game and i had fun with it even if i could only get 1 level, so with all that, i enjoyed it, had some decent graphics and ok gameplay, good game you have here.

make some easy medal options, tone the first level down just a tad, and make the guy have abit more survivability

Fun game abit hard but still entertaining

FetusFulp responds:

what fun are medals if they aren't an obnoxious challenge to get? haha.

the first level, as you put it, is actually the only level. i'm a derp with game programming and couldn't really finangle it all together so this is what it is. there's a kind of unintended protection area with the boss, at least with the snail things. there's a YouTube video showing it, but it's on the bottom of the screen fairly close to the boss himself. anyway it's been nearly three years so it's whatever by now i'm sure.

i've always enjoyed reading your reviews and it's nice to see one from you. thanks for the critique.

Fun and repettitive

good vibe with this game, and i see lots of medals with this one, the loading time was notbad but could be better aswell, the 8 mb was ok i suppose but maybe give us something to do in the meantime of that loading, now once you get into the game its pretty fun, i like your style of art and drawing everything seems to come together pretty well and it makes for an even better game, The game can tend to get hard though so maybe some easier points and tips the game aswell does get somwhat repettitive thats probably were it could be easier, but anyways great game here i thought, fun but gets hard.

So while it is a larger file for loading, why not have some mini game to play of some sort, also maybe an easier point as it does get reppettive hard.

Fun game, abit repettitive hard.

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