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Fantastic game

I remember playing this awhile back and never really getting a chance to review it so as i play it again i remember how fun this is, and the whole idea of paper stuff was such a nice idea and made it more fun then ever, the gameplay was really good, and this is the type of game that has some good replay value and such, the visuals and graphics was great even as paper, also nice job on bringing it all together with some nice sounds and sound/fx, very fun game and great medals, maybe you should think about adding even more medals though, but for the mostpart this was pretty awsome.

The onlything i would like to see changed or upgraded might be some more medal options, maybe even have some sorta mini game that allows you to win even more medals anyways nice effort

Fun game great idea with the whole paper idea, very good and everyone should enjoy this one.

Fun Game

So as always expected from miniclip you bring us a great fresh flash with a small size and thats a plus in that aspect of stuff, You always bring good quality of visuals, and great animations aswas the idea with this flash, so welldone on your efforts on bringing up an awsome flash, The controls were a tad confusing to get use too, you may want to make them somewhat easier or as i would say more user Friendly, Now the idea that its a boxing game was pretty fun and kept me wanting to play more, The differant characters were neat, The game was pretty fast paced wich it should be, but anyways you guys have a good game here, very fun and entertaining, really enjoyed it.

So as for some improvments, im not sure but the onlything it really lacked was probably more "DETAIL" and graphics effects. aswell as the following, you may want to make the controls somewhat easier or as i would say more user Friendly, they were hard to get use too,

So a good flash game you have some decent visuals fun and fast paced all will enjoy it as i did.

I like the dark theme here

So this one was more goth girl related that was ok, kinda neat since you dont see that much, The "MUSIC" is pretty good and fits the theme very well, The loading on this seemed to take up some time abit, But as the game started it was kinda worth it, So as the game started, it was pretty good, and the character was pretty good, and the amount of items was evene better, allthough you could add some more color and animated items in the mix of all the dark stuff, but other then that this was actually pretty good, on a last note, you might want to add some sorta scene-selector.

I thought i would use this little area to help suggest some sort of improvments in making certain things better, so try some of these tips and ideas out as it can only make things better, and even bring you a better overall outcome. you had a decent amount of items, you could add some more color and animated items in the mix of all the dark stuff, I personally love these types of games, the things that really make these work to there best potential, is a few things but one important thing is to have a related backround, just a white or bland backrounds are ok but just not much there. anyways hope that helps.

A good dark theme dress-up here, could use a tad of color though.

Ok so this was a fun game

This was fun and differant, the graphics were pretty good, the gameplay was even better and ran pretty smooth, but i suppose this does get a little repettitive, it could be better in that aspect of things i do like the game score and option to submit scoresso it did have options for the user or player, it ran pretty good with no real issue, maybenot having the cursur up there and just have theskateboarder as a better idea, but anyways good game i had alot of fun with this one and it was neat in the straight forward view, i look forward to more of these games, you should think about adding some medals it would really push up the game popularity,

some extras like some medals, maybe remove the cursor as stated above, but it was a pretty good game.

Fun game really enjoyed it, lots of fun im sure everyone else will enjoy this.

Another decent game of pico

Ok so heres another pico game, notbad at all on this one i guess i could understand the "SIZE" it was abit much but then again the content was really good so in the end it was worth it, and congrats on winning an award on this so guess it reaaly was all worth it, also like the addition of medals on this one, that made it that much more fun and entertaining, Only problem for me. also love how this is in the whole "PIXLE" form, almost reminds me of my series and ghost motel. so anyways onto the game, I am glad youkept the same style as the old and original pico games, still had that feel and such, so anyways good game here i really liked it, keep up the awsome work, i look forward to more from you.

So this was pretty good pretty close to the original, and the medals were neat, onlything i can suggest would be lower filesize somewhat.

A fun pico game alot like the originals, everyone should enjoy this one, as i did.

Funny board

Ok so for starters this was notbad, the board itself is ok kinda entertaining, i love hopw you have alot of differant sounds with this one and such, I also like how you made this all into like a menu of sorts and the voice was real seems like it, Now the one thing about alot of these types of sound boards is they are just the sounds but you should add some clip with each sound, that would really make it more interesting for the viewer of the board. The soundboard was pretty good and does show some good effort on your part here, the text as buttons could be better aswell, maybe more of a box or circle would make it click over better and look better, but anyways nice job its a good game i actually did like this one, anyways untill next time good luck.

first of all good game, could use a few fixes and changes for better improvment ofcourse, i have suggested a few ideas to help and hope you have the time to put some of them in as it will only improve on your good idea already, Now the one thing about alot of these types of sound boards is they are just the sounds but you should add some clip with each sound, that would really make it more interesting for the viewer of the board. You may want to work on your buttons more too, the textonly style buttons are kind of hard at times and dont click over as good as they cn be.

And overall this was a good game i had fun reviewing it, there was actuallysome fun sounds with this one, and you showed some nice effort, keep up the good work.

JuneLinMilliam responds:

After I took a look at your newgrounds it is like a honor to get a review from you lol. I started making soundboards in 2008 and what I like to do is try to make them not look the same as you can see by the SSFIV soundboards I did. If you put your mouse over the text and move it near the end you will see that it is made with a box around it but you just can not see it. I am open to better ideas when I make these and will try to use new things when I learn them. Thank you very much for the review!

Kinda like duck hunt

So i must say this one did took awhile to load but was still good, The file was abit larger but i still found this flash to be pretty entertaining and keeps me interested, and the music alone was very impressive kept it interesting aswell, The game was pretty simple kind of like duck hunt but thats what i liked about it, the game was fast paced right away so maybe that was my downfall, or maybe it could be a lsower build up from easy to hard but from the mostpart of this, this was pretty good and i found it fun and entertaining game, veryamusing, as for improving maybe slower build up of harder levels, anyways nice job here i liked it.

To start off you could have a slow build up of harder levels,

Fun game kind of like duck hunt, i look forward to more like this, keep up the fun gamework.

Psionic3D responds:

Thanks for checking it out and taking the time to respond!

Nice art detail

So this one was actually pretty good still had some points it could be better though, Now as just said the art and detail was very nice good detail and shows great effort on your part thats a plus and makes it visually great, it could use some other aspects such as some backrounds, some other items more some that maybe have some sorta animation to it, also everything is just bunched up too close you may want to spread things out abit more, You have something good here, allthough it does need abit more, but really overall it was pretty balanced just needed abit more stuff, as stated already, so great work here keep making more flash as these are pretty good and lots of fun.

So this is were I suggest some ideas and tips to better improve stuff, Your game is actually pretty good doesnt need much but could use a few things. First off i want to suggest spreading everything out as it was just too bunched up. Decent game here, i really like the effort you put into this, one thing you could have done though was put more effort on the backrounds, it just seemed too bland. Items and accecories are probably the key stuff that really makes up a dress-up game, and seems like your game lacked in alot of them, so i would suggest adding much more items, props and accecories, having some items that were animated somehow would be an extra touch aswell. besides that it was pretty good.

It has been a pleasure enjoying this flash from start to finish, i got alot out of it and i hope others enjoy it aswell, if not they will be missing a decent flash, could use some extra stuff but for now it was pretty good. keep up the good work.

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