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Scary type

Well this is something i could hear in some creepy scary flash or dark themed flash, i could see you improving on this abit, maybe abit longer and some deeper sounds to go with the dark theme and all, but i did enjoy this even if it was not as long as it could have been, anyways more darker and deeper sounds next time, good luck

needs some deeper sounds more dark like to go with the already theme you have.


Could be better

Well notbad on this track seems pretty cool, it kinda gets abit stail, and seems like you could spice it up with some new sounds so that people dont get too bored of it down the way, seems like an ok track i could see in a flash but does neen some spicing up, but over all its pretty good, so good luck on your next entry,

needs to be spiced up ad something new inthere maybe a louder sound in the middle or something


Needs more effort

This was interesting its not a bad track seemed like it could use abit of work seemed to "SKIP" every now and then thats something you should look into, you need to clean up them parts and add more quailty to its sound so it runs abit more smooth, i did enjoy what you have here just needs some cleaning up.

clean up the skipping it seems to do it every once in awhile


Its decent

Well this was notbad the file size seemed abit small but thats a good thing if you ask me, it had a great beat though i liked to be honest, also had astrange yet neat sound in there kinda faint and cant figure it out, but regardless it was a good sound and loved it, so keep up the good work, and keep at it. anyways good luck on your next entry.

this was an all around track great size and since it was small that should give you room to add abit more of that unique sound but more of it.


Soft and unique

Now this was a more soft sounding piece, kind of a "CREEPY" and scary feel, very mysterouse, kinda like the white origin of the tree from "AVATAR" it has that strange yet neat feel to it, still very neat, i think you should throw in some other sounds in there aswells o it has other dominating sounds, but still keep focus on the soft and uniqueness of it all, i really had fun listening and reviewing this delightfull piece, anyways keep up the awsome work here and hope to hear more of your stuff, and good luck on anything new you may be working on.

ad some new sounds that are deeper sounding but nothing that would take away from the soft feel of it


It can be great if finished

Hmm ok well this was somewhat differant, it starts out super soft and then starts to build up, but then it gets cut off, i guess thats what you mean a "WORK-IN-PROGRESS" now i dont find anything wrong with that, its just i was getting into it and you did build up the song, so it was kind of a dissapointment when it cuts off, now i do hope you make a full version of this as it does seem to be something of good quality, so be sure to let me know if you ever do finish it, now for suggestions of improving, hmmm well first off dont cut it off like that haha, anyways keep up the decent work.

Finish the track ofcourse that would be a plus, give from what i did get to hear it was perfect now just needs that finishing touch you got.


Step responds:

Yep, I actually asked in the Audio Forums for people to help me out with this. There's a good buildup, but then I'm not sure if I can reach the powerful and epic part after the buildup on my own, so I'm having a few people help me :D.
Glad you like it!


Ok so i decided to review some of your more current stuff, but i do like to hear ones older stuff before the newer stuff to see how one has improved, now this one here you have is notbad at all, the sound quality seems abit low, could just be me, but i like this sound, it has a good kick to it, there some drums and a guitar so thats pretty neat, guitar being my fave, but anyways this has a nice flow of track, and i did find myself enjoying it, its not matelica but its still pretty good, anyways nice job. im more of a classic rock person so if you have any of that i would love to hear some, as for this piece awsome work.

Nothing major and it could be me, but sound seemed slightly low, but like i said not a biggie.


Step responds:

Well, I have Cobra which is Classical Rock, but I'm not sure if it's exactly Classical Rock. If you like Orchestral instruments with rock drums then you'll like it.
I think the drums were pretty good in this too ^^.
Thanks for the review, as always! :D.

abit messy

ok now, this was an interesting beat, i liked it for the variaty and differant feel, this was more of two differant parts with the "FIRST" part being really messy and not really going anywhere but it did have the variaty of stuff so i liked the variaty of it just wish it was more like the second part, and as for the "SECOND" part that was pretty amazing it was more streamlined and had more of a good feel of a song and such, i think this could all be better if the whole track was just all of the second part, so theres an idea for you to really get this on another level, anyways good luck with anything new.

The second part towards the end was my fave so if you removed the messy first part and filled it with the ending style it will be perfect.


Differant but interesting

Now here is another good beat from you, the backround tune sounds familular though, some game ? cant figure it out though, now with this track there seemed to be alot of the same beat or too much in one area you might want to shorten that up abit so that there is actually differant mixes of sounds throughout it all, dont get me wrong its differant and i like it, it just needs abit of variaty, and not the same throughout the track, maybe add some "CHIMES" in the backround tune like every now and then to spice it up here and there, again just a thought to change things up, anyways nice job on this one.

As explained it needs something that changes it up so it doesnt sound the same all the way through, i suggested some chimes or something


Step responds:

Haha, why are you reviewing all my old songs? xD.

Anyway, yeah, I doubt I'll change this, but as usual, you're completely right. It sounds empty and boring and needs more synths, but this was my first song using FL Studio :P. Thanks for reviewing!

Could be louder

Hmm this one was notbad but the sound "QUALITY" seemed abit low on it had to turn up the volume just abit, but anyways this was a differant track compared to some of the other ones i have heard, the piano is pretty good, but seems like you have a more slow tone going with this one, not a bad thing just something differant, i do think you should have differant spikes of higher tones now and then just to spice it up abit, but overall it was notbad and kind of a nifty little toon, kinda reminds me of finaal fantasy abit, but anyways another ok track i thought, not the best but ok, anyways keep up the good work.

Spike up some keyes now and then higher pitches would be nice, just once and awhile.


Step responds:

Yep, you're definititely right. Again, this is one of my really really old tracks, so I wasn't so good back then. I agree with you about making it more high pitched and more interesting, it's definitely quite boring as it is now.

Actually I think this is one of my worst tracks :P.

Thanks for the review, again :D.

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