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Nice end effect

This one hasa darker feel and with the {GUN-SHOT} at the end, makes for a good loop to use in other flashes, so that was a nice touch with the gun shot, i wouldnt mind it being a tad {LONGER} though kinda have it build up to the gunshot and that may even give a much better end result for flashes and this little loop of yours, just an idea though, but a good one i think, i am even thinking maybe the gun shot should be abit louder aswell. something to try out i suppose, anyways good work on this one, nice end result to.

a more louder gunshot would be nice, and also abit longer in the buildup


Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks for the review!

Nice and fresh

Hmm this is actually a pretty catchy tune, i like how you gave this lots of freshness and just a kicking song here, i had thought i had reviewed all your stuff guess not, but anyways, this was a good track {LOOP} or something i am not sure if i heard the other version but i will so i can see how it changed and stuff, but anyways this was pretty nifty and {CUTE} so props to you on a wonderful track or loop, wish it was a tad longer. And neat i tottally forgot this was used in a movie i took part in hehe nice work, anyways nice job and keep up the neat tracks.

Make it longer and keep it fresh as you do have


Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks for the review!


So this was another short loop. now its not bad or anything and it actually does have a nice beat, i just wish you had more of a longer track here more of a song and such, you could ad a whole bunch more to it giving it abit more to ride on, more mixes of sounds drums and maybe even throw in a flute for extra measure or something, just abit of something to think about, but from what i hear of it, its pretty good, but in my opinion it does need abit more depth variaty and longer content, so keep up the good audio making i enjoyed it.

Make it longer, and more variaty and make it unqie i suggested a flute not to kill it but to give it something differant


Awsome quality

First off great job on the high quality of sounding track here, i was not even expecting vocals but you did and it was also presented in very high quality, so awsome work there, The voice is pretty good, and with the nice tune in the backround it makes for a good flow, a suggestion might be to speed up the tempo of the vocals at times, sometimes when its going slow you can hear some skips or something, but thats nothing really, i liked this track and good vocals, with nice backround music, so nice job there, bbut like said before, maybe speed up the temp just abit, anyways nice job.

I suggested speeding up the tempo abit. other then that its pretty awsome.


djnet responds:

Thanks...im a sucker for slow emo songs...lol

Good guitar sounds

Here was a good kicking track, i loved the feel of this with the "DRUMS" and even guitar, and fantastic job on the guitar, it seems at times you can hear some scratchyness, but overall it was a pretty good sounding track, you really gave this some vibe, and i could really see myself being there at some concert so nice job there and props to you on a great piece, now if i can help on suggesting any improvments, i would suggest possibly, have some vocals so it really is complete, also look into any of the scratchyness i heard, anyways nice track here, Hope to hear from you soon.

Some scratchyness could be looked into, and maybe adding some vocals could make it more complete


carlitozsx56686 responds:

Thanks for the review, XwaynecoltX. I will try to fix that scratchyness on my future works, and trying vocals, because I'm not a good lyricist lol.
Thanks again!

Volume seemed low?

This is notbad. its really short though, but guess thats why its a loop, but even for a loop its really short you should ad abit of depth to it by making it longer and adding more sounds into it, also i noticed the sound quality was abit low. maybe record it at a higher volume or something, but still the "TUNE" you do have is pretty good just way too short, so as suggested adding abit more to it more depth with a few more sounds and instraments, would do the trick, but for what it is, its pretty neat sounding. so hope to hear more from you, more higher quality stuff ofcourse.

Volume seemed abit low, and the loop itself could have abit more sounds and tunes for more depth


Neat track could be better though

This was a decent little track, i wouldnt mind hearing it get louder at times and such, have it get louder in the middle then settle down at the end? just an idea though, could be something that the listeners could enjoy it abit better, its a decent flowing track you have here and i rather enjoyed it, anyways nice job.

give your track some sound changes up and down to make it sound differant but keeping the same style you have here


Make it longer

This was more of a loop more then anything else, its notbad, but its way too short, ad more stuf and instraments just for the extra measure, it will also give it more depth and style, just an idea or two on how this could be much better, anyways good loop hope to see more of your work sometime soon.

ad more stuf and make it abit longer give it more depth.


It could be longer

Well this had a nice feel to it, but in my opinion it just seems too short really short if you ask me, so ad abit more depth and add more time on this one with more mixed sounds some differant sounds wouldnt hurt either, it needs that extra "KICK" in the end to give the listener abit more to enjoy, but for the most part it had a nice tune, anyways nice job.

make it longer and ad some differant stuff in there, more of a mixture of stuff.


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