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Very pleasent

This was actually pretty nice tune here it really flowed well and i like how you added some variaty and change it up nice, It doesnt have any gaps that are really noticble, it flowed well right from the start, Its a very pleasent tune, and really. now as to improve on this im not sure but if anything maybe have some louder tones in there for the more intense parts of it, but mostly very good flowing tune you have here so nice job.

Some louder and softer tones at the propper times such as a deeper tone for more intense feelings.


Semaphore responds:

thank you very much XwaynecoltX

Fresh sounding

and another nice beat you guys got going here, its abit more fast paced to some of the stuff i like, but i do like it, i like the fresh feel it gives, and great work on the {PIANO} nice finish there aswell, but i did think it was somewhat short ended??? maybe its just me wanting more of the style you guys got going here, but i like all the instraments in this one, they all seem to work well together and really make for a chippy fun and fresh tune here, oh and i do hear some of that flute in there but mostly the piano work was my fave so again really nice work on this, make more soon.

It seemed abit shortended as explained above, maybe you can add abit more to it, seems like it would fit perfectly with a game or something, anyways nice job.


Step responds:

Aw man, why do you keep reviewing my old songs. I feel so embarrassed when you review them lol. Thanks for the review nonetheless :3.

The instrumentation in this is a guitar, flute, piano and percussion, which is quite a weird combination, eh? :P. Glad you like it.

As for the problem with the ending, now that I hear it again, I think you're right about it. It sounds very abrupt and as if it ended too suddenly. So yeah, you're right about the ending xP.

Thanks for the review!

Love it

Thought i would get back to some of your older stuff, and i forgot how {CUTE} this was, its so neat and light and fresh and really love what you did with the {FLUTE} in here well i think its a flute hehe, if i am wrong i am sorry but anyways, good tune here i think i will ad this one to my faveourites, very nifty tune here, now if i can find anything wrong or something to improve on, you got me there, but anyways i love how the flute is part of the main focus on this, i would totally use this in a flash, i can see something on an small beach or even forrest, but anyways great tune, i am in love with it already, so very nice job on this even if its older, anyways for now keep up on the awsome tunes.

Bring in other backround stuff maybe some very distant chimes or even violin something very soft though so it doesnt take away feom the flute, but to be honest i really like this tune.


Step responds:

Wow, a 9 from you on a song as old as this? O.o

Haha I didn't think it was possible, thanks! I wouldn't call it cute though, more like horrible, but to each his own xD.

Yeah, there's a flute in here, along with some other stuff which I'm not sure about since this song is in MIDI (horrible quality) and my friend added the instruments (I did the melody).

Regarding your suggestions, you have some very good ideas, it will definitely sound more 'distant'.

Thanks for the review, if you like songs like this then you might like my song Morning Horizon, although that's a bit more epic. Thanks again!

Great tune here

Oh wow this is pretty neat, it starts out very neat with all the {CHIMES} i think its chimes and some drums come into play very nice indeed, and has just this whole great feel of some battle thats about to take place, and i guess thats you {SUPERSEPH54} heh didnt know, but anyways back to the audio, love how you really build this up and really push it with each and every new tunes, it sounds so familular like some movie i seen or something, another nice touch is how the volume and tone gets better as it progresses towards the end, very well indeed, i am very impressed with this, maybe some of your best work yet to date, so keep on with the awsome tracks and great feel with awsome buildup which was the best part.

This was all great only issue is when it does build up to the highest point there is some slight scratchyness but that could just be me, and really its nothing at alll.


Raven-Guard responds:

Thanks for the review :D.

The intro actually has a xylophone, not chimes xP. Although I don't blame you for thinking it's chimes, they sound quite similar.

You're not the first to say it sounds like a battle, lol. Thanks.

Just pointing out that I'm not the only one who made this track. I did the drums, some EQing and helped think of a name, but Darklight did the rest.

Really glad you liked the buildups, we definitely think they're our best. Glad you were impressed by it, and I agree with you about the 'scratchyness' thing. That's me slacking of in EQing *blush*.

Thanks for reviewing!

Notbad could be better

Hmm now this one was kinda like that last one with the {GUITAR} but seems its more of a {RE-MIX} not sure if this one is on my top lists of great stuff the sounds of mixing in and out is to visable, and kinda just ruins the track there, you should have it mix in and out but so it doesnt hear them sounds, kinda odd i thought, dont get me wrong i like the mix, and like the original abit better, but dont think the mix needs that change with the sounds so visable, well hope the other mixes are better though. as to improve remove that sliding sound somehow.

Try and lower the sound of the mixing in and out seems kinda odd.


Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks for the review!

Nice guitar

Now this one sounds familular, cant say where i heard it from but does sound, kinda reminds me something like from {KILL-BILL} kinda though, this is actually a good kicking track i could groove too, i think thats a guitar in there and thats my fave instrament so really nice job on that part, the {QUALITY} is not all that great but its good, maybe a better mic? not sure what it is, but like i said this is pretty good and your best piece of that i reviewed, anyways nice work, make more stuff like this one.

The quality could be better there was some static with the guitar, not sure if it was the mic other equipment or what but something could be cleaned up


Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks for the review!

Nice sound/fx

This was more for the sound/fx of everything, i mean its a good little loop for all that, and i hear a gun being {LOADED} or something, this loop with your other loop that has the gunshot might work very well together maybe you could even combine the two for an even more awsome track or loop in this case, i like the little {SCI-FI} tune even gives it an unique style about it, so nice job there once again. anyways keep up the awsome and unique work., good luck on anything new you may make.

Add a gun shot along with the gun loading, just a thought though


Cyberdevil responds:

Yeah, a gunshot might fit in, or maybe it would ruin the "spooky" mood, give it too much action, IDK, thanks for the feedback though!

Ad a few more beats with this one

well you are right it is a simple short, its great as a loop, for my im more into the longer tunes , but as for this loop, it could be part of some action scene i could see, i am really glad to see alot of your stuff being used in flash movies and games so props to you for that, but anyways this was a nice little beat, if i could suggest anything it probably would be to add more beats in with the ones you already got, but thats just me liking the longer stuff, but anyways it was a good beat i look forward to hearing more of your stuff.

a few more drum beats would be nice.


Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks for the review!

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