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Cute and funny

Haha this was very cute you have alot of variaty in this one, i had never heard of this untill i saw it on a flash so nice job on this the {VOCALS} are not perfect but i think they fit this well, not high voiced but just right i think, i do however think it could be abit sharper sounding at times, also love the little extra sounds like laughs and such in the backround, even the cat sound was cute, I downloaded this one since i liked it so much overall it was a good sound and track, anyways nice job

The quality could be sharper like when whistling, other then that its good stuff.


Decent track

Now this was a bit differant, it was a very deep and dark feel, its actually a nice tune or beat, but i think its too dark in my opinion, now dont get me wrong here its decent, i think the backround tune needs a more lighter feel of sounds and or instraments, just something that will reflect the front end sounds a bit better, again just my opinion and hope those tips could help on something here, cause its a decent little track here and i could see this used in some sorta flash, anyways nice job here, keep it up.

Give it a lighter backround music, not too much but just a tad.


Another pleasent tune

Now this was another good piece I seem to like your audio which is why i am reviewing some of it, but anyways i really like this because you gave it a backround tune and also a few extras in front like the chimes, it has a pleasent feel, allthough it sounds the {SAME} all the way through maybe mix it up with some sorta deeper tunes, its just an idea though, just thinking it needs some change in there, dont get me wrong its pretty pleasent though, anyways nice tune, i enjoyed it.

like i said maybe some mixes in there, so its not the same sounding, some mix in there would be nice.



Hmm some nice sounds going on in this one, it starts off soft and picks up with some differant sounds in there wich is nice, but i would love to hear more of an impact sound in the middle, The whole tune is very quiet, and the ending has somewhat of a large gap these are things that could be improved though, say like if you thru in some {DRUMS} some soft drums so it still reflects the other soft instraments, but other then that it was notbad at all. anyways good luck on your next entry.

Some deeper sounds, maybe some drums, and also shorten the {GAP} at the end


Kosmiker responds:

This track is from my first works, if it was today i would most likely make it different with more layers and sligtly different composition.

Your input is very important and I appreciate any kind of tips that can help me make a more enjoyable and well composed music so thank you for the review. ;)

Nice effects

This was pretty impressive, i especially like how you had some echo effect at the start, at first i wasent sure what to expect, but as the music plays on it has some really good sounds especially the voices i hear from it they really fit well with this tune, and everything cameout very sharp sounding, so a well put together tune here and props to you for that, how can this be improved on? well probably more of the voices echoing would really get this even more, anyways nice job i enjoyed it.

Add more of the voice echoing that really made it more unique.


Pezmobile responds:

Thanks alot for the honest review. I think i might fix/add a few things on this song now that ive gotten better


Too short

Now this was something differant and interesting, its way too {SHORT} and could use some other sounds in there but again its too short so i suppose it could be used in some sorta sound/fx, so as to improve on this you need more sounds, it should be abit longer, not much to review on this one but still as i said needs abit more work.

needs to be longer more content.


Christopher78 responds:

Thanks, my newer songs r much more {LONGER} :P


Now this was abit differant, now it doesnt sound much like the name for say, but you did have some {CARNIVAL} sounding tunes in there which was pretty ok with me and made up for how it started, so maybe reworking the start of it somehow would really push it more that rout, but really for the mostpart this was very good and i like the sounds used so nice job indeed on this one, Now how can you improve on this? well like above rework the start so its more carnival sounding like the middle, anyways keep up the awsome sounds.

Adding my carnival sounds would be a nice touch, and improve on it overall, maybe even slowing it down at times would also help.


Toystory cool

This was cute sounding, there seems to be alot of variaty in this, and i like the whole {TOYSTORY} theme going on with this one, which are also some of my fave movies i liked your starwars but this was also a nice touch, i think you need more sound/fx from the movie though you have some in there but could use some more, the backround music is ok but i think you need a more toystory feel to it, anyways good job on this one, i enjoyed it.

As mentioned could use more of the theme sound/fx and the music itself could be more theme sounding.


Awsome sounds

Haha this was actually pretty neat to hear, im a big fan of starwars and such and this was like right up there all the differant sounds really did sound like what you wanted it to be, and your backround tones really was a nice touch and worked very well together with the sound/effects and music, so all and all it was pleasent and i loved it not just because i am a fan either anyways awsome job, keep up the good work.

Now i would go even farther and add even more sound/FX to really give it the starwars feel, especially the light sabres


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