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Top notch

Hmm now this was a very pleasent tune, not too overbarring or too low or too soft at all, just a nice and pleasent feel, very easy flowing there is really nothing i can suggest to improve on this one, cause i think its pretty right on as is, not perfect but its almost there, i just love the pleasent and easy flowing of this, so very impressed with what you have here, but i suppose if i could suggest any changes and or improving it might be, to lower the filesize just a tad, other then that its top notch in my book, anyways nice job.

Some file reducing would be a start.


Semaphore responds:

thank you very much

this was my second song Iv'e ever created for about 2 years as I start making music =)

Notbad at all

Hmm this has an interesting sound to it, it is fast paced to kinda like in an action scene, so i can see this being used in some sorta flash, The {QUALITY} of the sound was great and even though it was fast paced it ran smoothly with high end quality wich is why i liked it alot, not the best work, but its still at the top of my list and while this is one of your older pieces its still very good quality so props to you on this one, as for improving i dont see much but if anything should be said or even suggested, maybe have some {DEEP} bases in there at times that slowly pick up, idk kinda random but still something anyways nice job on this audio track.

Well not much from my point of view but maybe adding some deep base once in awhile would mix it up somewhat, anyways nice job.


Semaphore responds:


thank you very much XwaynecoltX


Hmmm ok this was differant it has some variaty in it but it changes too much but i like how you blend the changes so it doesnt have a gap between changes, i think you could rais the volume at times but that could just me, the quality is pretty decent though, for the mostpart its a good little tune, now on improving, volume raising, and more variaty but not at the cost of such a size, but it is decent track here, anyways good luck in anything new coming up.

the gaps between variarty mixes is too long, and raise the volume in the gap points.


ganon95 responds:

it changes too much?

i don't understand why i keep hearing this. its SUPPOSED to change up often, i don't want it to sound repetitive...the gaps are too long? at the most these gaps are like 3 seconds long.

though, i do agree the volume is a bit low at times.

Awsome fast paced tune

Wow this is actually a really kicking tune very fast paced, and just moves along at a very fast pace but thats how i like this and it has some really good playing, especially with the {PIANO} was pleasently sounding just an overall pleasent tune, love the fast paced of it, so if anything can be improved on this i would put in differant instraments maybe you can kick in the speed with those, but my fave part is the fast paced awsome stuff a very nifty tune, so anyways good luck on all stuff, i love this one.

add some other nifty sounds but for the mostpart its nifty


Alien feel

wow this was pretty differant, it has a whole alien feel, and really reminds me of that old show "LOST-IN-SPACE" its a pretty solid loop, but thats just what it is, a loop, this could really be something if you made it longer and more like a song of sorts would be awsome with this melody just going on but with differant sounds aswell, to make for one great alien like song, its of high quality too and thats what i like about it mostly, so make it longer like a song, and add more variations of sounds, so no repetitivness, but other then that it is pretty neat, nice job all around on this one.

As told above, make it longer, and more like a song but not repetitive, give it new sounds but also keep the same theme of alien feel.


Love the laugh

Another soft song here, and i think i hear a "LAUGH" in there, that was pretty neat but i am thinking you should have it more loder, maybe laugh throughout the track like once in awhile, but anyways the track is another one of your soft sounding ones, its also very short, i like it though, and the laugh really gives it something more so i suggest adding more of that maybe some deeper versions of the laugh aswell, it will, really give the track more ump if you know what i mean, something to think about anyways, but anyways good sounds here abit too soft for me but still enjoyed it.

Improving on this would be great i think increasing the evil laugh and have it apear throughout the track would be nice.



Something differant and quick, these short loops tend to be short and hard to review, but i will do the best that i can, it has a nice drum beat and is kicking fact so nice job there, also has that "ALIEN" so i could see this used in a number of fast action packed flashes, maybe you shouldnt be beating on the drums all the time, kinda space it out abit so it doesnt seem so repetitive, and also you could make it longer, so its more like a track instead of a loop, now ofcourse more sounds would be nice aswell, anyways just a few idea to tryout.

Space out the drums so its not so repetitive, and add more sounds so make it abit longer.


Nice variaty

Oh wow, the music does get better over time here now this one i liked because you did have a variaty of instraments from piano to trumpets, but this one was abit more better put together, the "TRUMPETS" were really amazing thought it seemed with the piano and trumpets and even the "FLUTE" that the song really shined through, so really nice job there, and i really enjoyed this especially since i played a trumpet when in grade school, so anyways props to you and i can see how your skills are getting better, now as to improve, maybe make the trumpets have a more dominating role.

Have the trumpets played more aswell as the flute, as its something i have not heard of a combination.


Step responds:

Yeah you're exactly right about this one. I like the trumpets too since they give the song a sort of fantasy, adventure theme to it, and I agree that it could have been used a bit more with the flute, but in any case this is a pretty old song of mine; one of my first. My new ones are a lot better :P.

Anyway, thanks for the great review!

Great start

Now this was pretty interesting of a track, the start of this really seemed alot better then the ladder end of things only because the second part of this piece seemed off as the sounds were not original or something, dont get me wrong i love "GUITAR" stuff it just sounded differant of that then normal, Now as the starting of this it was pretty good, has a good "UPBEAT" feel and it had me going up untill that second part, so these are things you could possibly fix and possibly even make better, and i do look forward to any changes and or new versions, or even improvments on newer stuff as this is an older piece.

Try and pick up the second part and have it not feel so off maybe its the guitar or other sounds but is off.


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