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Well this one was interesting you presented some nice {SOUND/FX} in the backround along with the music and that really made it more unique and such kinda had a feel of {WIND} of some sort but like i said that gave it that unique feel not just of the music but that something else was going on and that in itself was very cool indeed, so nice job there, now as for improving i think you did that sound/fx too much maybe lesson it some and add other variaty of sound/fx to go with the music wich was alright in itsself, anyways nice job all around.

the sound/fx of almost wind was abit overused i thought.



Hmmm so this is actually notbad at all, its a more softer feel of things, and seems to stay that way, the piano is nice and pleasent but there doesnt seem to be much more then that, i would love to hear some build up from the start to the finish with the ending having a more powerfull feel, but as for what you do have its pleasent and nice, kinda reminds me of something out of a zelda game or something, but anyways a good pleasent tune i enjoyed it, keep up the good work, hope to hear more from you soon.

As mentioned more on the build up it just stayed the same,


Stargenx responds:

Thanks for the review!

Nice track

hmmm now this does sound alot like mortal combat wich is cool because i loved the games and movie, haha great work with the {PIANO} yopu even mixed in your own style with the more softer feel moments then you really bring it up and power through the song so all and all a good theme of a song nice variation of your own style while still keeping touch with the main theme so awsome job there, a nice piece on one of my faves, now as to improve? hmm maybe more darker feel the keys seemed abit on the light side, other then that it was alright.

more darker theme to reflect the games and movies. maybe with deeper keys from the piano or something


Step responds:

Thanks for the review! I was hoping you could check out my newer songs rather than my old ones but I still appreciate the lengthy reviews! I agree that a darker theme would've been nice but unfortunately at the time I was limited with what sounds I could use. Thanks again!

Decent beat

hmmm well this is notbad has a few good beats in there, its kinda fast and thats alright, the beat sound quality could be abit better maybe abit more deeper base and such more slower beats and more other variaty of beats from the drums ofcourse it just seems to be about the one beat when you could mix and match and really bring the sound out and even with more quality aswell. so those could be a few things you could work on to make it somewhat improved, anyways good luck.

As mentioned maybe some other drum beats and other variaty of mixes and matchs of sounds.


Decent track

Ok so this is notbad, it has a nice rythem to it and flows nicely, kinda reminds me something out of {STARWARS} any relation, but anyways it has a straight forward feel and basicly stays that way, it doesnt have much of a big cliffhangor or anything wich is something it could probably have since its like a {STORM} and could have some big bangs in there and such, maybe something at the {END} that has some loud base? just an idea there that could push it over the edge, for the most part it was just straight forward and not too blasting.

needs some cliffhangar in there maybe some drums and such. and a louder feel wouldnt hurt.


Nice fast tempo

Hmm now this was an interesting track, it started off slow but soon picked up very fast then you had some strange yet differant sounds mixing in here and there and thats one thing i really liked about this one, the beat gets faster and louder very nice touch there, now some harder beats could be installed especially when it gets to be a fast tempo, maybe some hard drums towards the end? just an idea, so overall i like it and an end improving tip would be ad some hard beats in there with the fast tempo so it has that end {WOW} anyways nice job.

Nice work here adding an ending powerful dominate drum beat might give it that end climax, but all together its decent.


Pezmobile responds:

Thanks alot dude.

Sadness = awsome

Oh nice, your songs and tracks get much better with time, now at first this started off {IFFY} but as you listen it has that feel as the title says, so in a sense it does get sad, but thats ok, now i love that you keep it on the low sounding feel and go in and out with it, so you really can express that emotion and makes you feel like you are there in that situation, now normally i might say spice it up for improving but this one is perfect as the feel is sad and i like that, so as for improving i would leave it as is, anyways nice job.

I suggest leaving this as is not touching it, cause the emotion of sadness is there.


Decent track

Hmm ok so i decided to review some of your stuff, now this one really starts off too quiet, or soft sounding even 20 seconds into it its quiet, you should raise the tempo up abit and alot sooner, its a good song even the {SIZE} was decent, so to improve on this decent track you have, speed up the starting and add some loder or faster tempo going in there, besides all that it was decent and pretty mellow for most of it but still has a good feel, so nice job on this one hope to hear more soon.

As explained needs a higher sounding feel and or a faster tempo, it needs to be spiced up somewhat


doppler73 responds:

Hey, this is my first audio submission, so i was learning when i made this.

Soothing and pleasent

Hey now, this was another good track of yours, it is very soft though, you might want to raise it up a notch, now this is a soft and pleasent feel of a song so i can understand it should be that way, but a little higher wouldnt hurt, its soothing and seems to flow on like in some story like something is sailing away or some sad moment, more of a sad moment, i can really see this being in a very dramatic flash so props to you for bringing out the emotion on this one, can this be improved on? yeah maybe with some deeper sounds and differant pitches here and there, anyways nice track

As above some deeper pitches and raise and lower sound quality


Semaphore responds:

thank you very much XwaynecoltX

Cute track

Hmm this is pretty neat, i like the little piano you got going in this one, its not fast at all but keeps it flowing pleasent, the sound quality is pretty good too, not too low or too load, kinda just there, so notbad at all, i do however think you need to mix it up though its alot of the same, it has this cute feel but could use a change here and there, But anyways cute track here, nice flowing and again has something cute to it, as for improving try and mix something else in there, anyways untill next time nice job.

Nees some mixing of another instrament along with the cute playing you already have.


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