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Decent tune

hmm well this was something differant it has some good sounds here and seems to go well and {FLOW} well together, and seems to be ok, i thought it was alright, the sound qiality is pretty good though but again like the others it would be nice to get some {BUILD-UP} in it and maybe some really good endeing bang or something like that, but from what this was heard it was pretty good solid and good flowing with some good quality to it, very nice indeed, so as to improve, more build up and such.

as mentioned above, some more build up would be key


BLack32Out responds:

K thanks

Needs some quality on sound

hmm ok so understanding its just a {LOOP} thats cool, but there seems to be alot of distortion that could be cleaned up, infact also adding some {VARIATY} to it with other sounds and instraments, could make it into a somewhat longer loop and that would actually be ok aswell, but i think from this loop the most you could fix up is the {QUALITY} of it as it doeas sound distorted and takes away from what is there and would be nice to hear it in a more clear and sharper sound, so nice job on the effort good luck on anything new you have.

Needs some quality and cleaning up the distortion would greatly help.


NekoMika responds:

Thank you, one of the first pieces I made on my really old comp when I still had FL Studio 8, don't have it on current comp. I appreciate the insight and helpful tips though. I think I have gotten a better ear since then as well so if I ever made another piece in FL Studio 8 demo, it would probably sound a whole lot better than this did then.

Thanks for the review.

Could be louder

hmm well this one was somewhat differant, i liked it, starts off too {SLOW} but you did give it a nice feel and you had lots of {VARIATY} wich was the good part about it, i still think its abit on the soft side you have to bring up the volume somewhat, but i do like the variaty of it all, and with the {GUITAR} it really mixes in well, has that {RENISAUNCE} feel, but anyways i liked it and things you could improve on this might be louder volume, and more edg more build up if you will, other then that its notbad.

needs to be louder with volume control, and could also have some more build-up


Another decent piece

haha ok so this really takes me back with this movie theme and all, infact it was just on the other day, but anyways great start it really gives you that {FEEL} that the movie is playing and such later on in the track you do change it up with the softer {KEYS} wich is ok cause anytime you make a remix of something you should always add in your own style wich you have done here just a lil, but besides that its pretty impressive and i really enjoyed this really took me back lol, anyways once again nice job.

For this i wouldnt touch it, but if i had too i would try and make it more my own style keep the theme but add in more variaty of your own stuff.


Step responds:

Thanks! Actually, I never really watched the movie. I just heard the theme and I liked it so I tried to remix it, lol. I agree with you totally that remixes are best when they have your own style incorporated in them, but at the time I just made it similar to original theme...

Anyway I appreciate the review! You're slowly getting closer to my better songs :P.

Good quality with this one

hmmm ok this was good, im thinking one of your better tunes from what i have heard sofar, it was a good {GUITAR} feel, and very crisp and good quality i thought, it was not too fast nor was it too slow but just fit right in there, and in some parts kind of reminded me of some asian theme, but really other then that i really liked it, it was good quality from the start to finish, i suppose for me the downside of things on this track were that it was a straight forward tune and didnt have any over the edge or cliffhangar type of ending, but thats ok cause it was a decent tune.

If anything could be worked on it would give it a build up to a big bang at the end, but not really needed


Step responds:

Thanks for reviewing. This is my first ever rock song so I can't expect it top be any good. And yeah the ending sucks :P.

I'm happy you enjoyed it.


wow this takes me back to the game, and you really gave it a more deeper and scary feel, i was very impressed with the sound quality on this aswell, this is a great piece if you ask me, now the repetitive chimes i think it is could be slowed down somewhat, and maybe mixed in with more of the deeper sounds comming in, i think its from a piano? but anyhow, this was still great and glad i had a chance to hear it, and ill look forward to hearing more from you soon, anyways nice job.

the slow parts with chimes or soft tones could use some deeper tones


Crisp and clear very nice stuff

ok so it was nice to hear a new version from this, this sounds better i think more sharper and crisp then the last one i heard so nice job there, and has some good sounds, not sure what exactly was changed but it does sond somewhat better and abit differant so nice {EFFORT} there, i will have to chackout some of your other works sometime soon though, but other then that this was actually not a bad piece at all, and i rather enjoyed what you presented so nice job indeed, anyways keep up the good work.

i think its just right now.


BLack32Out responds:

Thanks man ill be uploading some new songs soon

Decent tune

Hmm i must admit this is pretty good i like how you have some soft and hard tones in there but i also love how it doesnt just stay straight forward but you give it some good change here and there, making mix up differnt sounds thats a reall good thing, and i think thats a guitar sounds very good love the deep sounds you get from it very nice indeed. So how to make this better? keep doing what you got and keep with the deep guitar feel and so on, so anyways great tune i enjoyed it.

I think this is just as it sounds doesnt need any changes


BLack32Out responds:

Thanks man :)

Decent piano

I like the piano work on this one and how you get to the playing right off the bat, and its a fast paced feel with some gaps in there that change up the tune, nice touch with that, i think you do need more {VARIATY} in there though, like when you slowdown on the piano, maybe add some new and differant sounds in there to mix it up somewhat, just a tip that could make it better, but for the most part this was a great piece, and i look forward to hearing more of your tracks, anyways great stuff.

some variaty could be mixed in with the piano.


PHantomHP responds:

Thank you for noticing the gaps! This is the first piece where I could actually decently pull that off. I think that your right that I do kind of overwork the piano and it needs some help. If I extend this (which I hope to do some day) I will be sure to experiment more. Thank you for reviewing!

Decent guitar playing

Hmm this is actually some nice guitar atleast i think its a guitar but i seem to be hearing some distortion? mainly at the start of it, now dont get me wrong, its pretty good and does seem to get better as in goes along, and is some pretty good playing if i say so myself, was not too long and not too short either so i was alright with this and overall thought it was ok, to make it better i suppose try and clean up the distortion at the start, i didnt hear it much as it moves along.

I heard some slight distortion at the start might want to clean it up abit.


ManicG responds:

First of all thanks :) and yes it is a Guitar...

I know the quality's not great but this was recorded back in 80 something. I cleaned it up as best as I could. I mainly played around with the EQ + Left and right Channels. I'm sure someone with more experience could do a better job remastering the audio.

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