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It was decent

This was nice, has a very great day type of feel, meaning not too hard allthough you do give it a nice almost intense build up wich then changes up quite abit from what it started with, theres alot of differant chchanges in this alot of {MIXTURE} wich is ok with me, just seems like there alot of stuff going everywhere, but really other then that i thought it was alright and liked it very much, anyways good tune here, i look forward to more from you soon,

maybe not as intense of a build up but other then that it was alright.


ElectroHarbour responds:

Thanks very much for explaining what was wrong with the song. Yeah it does have a kind of intense build up, especially flattening the chill atmosphere.


Hmm this had an interesting {SOUND} starts off very good kinda reminds me of some {BATTLE-SCENE} thats about to start and such, like on distant field or something its very soothing aswell and has a small build up wich was ok with this one, i just found it to be very nice and pleasent. so if i could offer any tips of improving i think i would add some more deeper sounds towards the end, but other then that i thought it was alright with some nice effort on your end, anyways keep up the good work.

some deeper sounds in the tail end of the song would be nice.


XenonMB responds:

will keep that in mind, thanks for the review :)

Prety decent

Hmm this was great i love the guitar and differant sounds in this one, there was a good amount of mixture in this piece, kinda reminded me of {ZELDA} somewhat, i do however wish you built it up more it had a more straight forward tempo, and needed a push there somewhere, so if anything you could improve on this it would probably be more build up and pushing it over the top, but besides that i liked the mixture of sounds and liked the guitar in there, anyways nice job.

more push, more build up


Step responds:

That guitar is one of the most overused preset sounds that came with FL Studio ;D.

Again, I agree with you that this lacks any 'oomph' or a buildup. These songs are very old and I really didn't know what I was doing at the time. In fact, in this song I desperately wanted to add some drums but I didn't know how xD.

Thanks for the review. Going back to all these old songs sure is giving me nostalgia, haha.

Could use abit more

Hmm well this was interesting the no sond moment was interesting then the {VOICE} of no dj was pretty interesting i thought at times it seemed too repetitive though, maybe you could lesson it or maybe as another helpfull tip you could have eaco one sound differant just an idea thought, the backround music was notbad either so all and all this was pretty decent and i thought it was pretty good while it could still use some improving other then that keep up the good work, so untill next time good luck.

I meantioned above some repetitiveness, and some extra tidbits that could help on this


I love it

Hmm this starts off pretty good i like the {PIANO} and especially like how it {PICKS-UP} nice touch there, the piano playing is very clear and sharp, very welldone on this part, also great title as it has that feeling and the piano just gets better as it plays on, the tune is actually abit long but it kinda works well that way, you start mixing it up towards the middle, this is a really nice piece im adding this to my fave, but anyways great piece, i look forward to hearing more from you real soon.

nothing i thought it was perfect.


AsteroidBlues responds:

Thanks for rev, man ) I really appreciate that )
While i`m writing new stuff, u can hear some of my old stuff which is uploaded here already and some that i will upload in a matter of days )


So this was notbad, kinda neat actually starts of simple and pleasent, and has a good tone throughout the track very soft feel as it moves along, it is very just straight along so maybe giving it more of an over the top points like some deeper sounds some bass would push it abit more, something that would push it over though, but it does need something more there, but other then that it was pretty impressive, so try and making some new sounds in there along with some build up, anyways nice job.

Good track just needs more something that will push it over the top, maybe some backround effects and some other mixes of differant sounds


kohlirowe responds:

Hi, thanks very much for the feedback. Much appreciated.

Pretyy good tune you have here

Oh this had some good beats and starts off freat with a really good build-up, and starts really {JAMMING} wich i really liked, its a very very kicking jamming jam here, i love the build up then you start adding some differant variaty into it and such, really good tune here, about halfway you start to change it up but not too much and that was ok it has its own mind kinda hehe, but anyways great stuff, it was a pretty good listen and i enjoyed it very much, i look forward to more from you real soon.

In the end i thought it could use more of a bang not a calm down, just an idea though


Fr34KC responds:

That was kinda what I was going for, I still don't like the cymbal though (but finding the right sound between low and high freq is a pretty time-consuming job to do) and I'm going to tweak around in this one for while since I'm not in a very creative mood (with all the exams going around) but for the "kicking jamming jam" there that's something I like about Maximus, it can really push your sound to the max.
I appreciate the thought, I'm certainly going to look into that (going out with a bang)
I just need some fresh ideas on how to put that into it (and at the same time erasing that ANNOYING click sound due to the side-chaining)

Thanks for your review =)

Nice tune

So i have not reviewed any audio in awhile especially yours, and i must say even though this is an older piece, it is still pretty good i thought, its more mainstream and doesnt offer much in {BUILD-UP} but does have a fast beat, wich is nice, it would have been nice to hear some build up to some power sounds and or instraments, just making it more interesting in that way, i like the keys in this though, and its pretty interesting if you ask me, so notbad work on this on, hope to hear more soon.

needs more build up and more newer sounds and such.


Decent guitar

oh this has a nice beat and tune here, great guitar, has a sorta {SPANISH} feel to it, the starting of it anyways, it goes off into some other variaty of tune thats cool sounding and more soothing and such, so i do like the variaty, i especially like the {GUITAR} it was abit differant sounding then other guitars, so props to you and the clarity was pretty good on this, so overall i was very impressed with this, the middle to end could have more of the guitar but other then that it was pretty good stuff, keep up the good audio tracks.

More of the guitar throughout the track would be a good direction.


masterjiji responds:

It's a bass.

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