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It was ok

Hmm well this one was very soft sounding, and it had a very slow build up, theere also seemed to have a {SCRATCHY} sound aswell. so this was ok had to turn up the volume up alot so i could hear it better, but for the mostpart it was too soft throughout most of the little track, so that might be something to work on and look into the scratchy sound of it that could be more of a quality issue though, but anyways other then that it was an ok piece, just needs some work.

some scratchy sounds, and more volume needs to be throughout the whole piece.


Echo responds:

The scratchy sound is from the strings, and it's really there when strings play that sort of fast rhythm, so I can't and won't remove that since it's realistic and adds to the dynamic quality of the piece. As regards the volume, i agree that the piece could've been higher in volume, but a lot higher would have resulted in a drastic amount of clipping, so you'll understand if i preferred to play it safe and let users raise their own volume up to how much they want, but i do agree that this is a problem of mine that i am trying to fix.

Other than that, thanks for the review, even though i don't agree with you on the two points, i respect you opinion. Thanks ;)

Decent track

Well notbad on another tune i love the {PIANO} on this one and how it starts, pretty good and all the sounds and instraments you did have in there was pretty interesting, the piano almost like a solo was very nice indeed, and very fast at times wich i really liked, so on that part i was really enjoying it, i liked it all to be honest, it was very nifty and had alot of differant stuff going on so once again nice job on this one, anyways keep up the decent work.

More of the piano solo would be great.


Step responds:

Thanks! I was quite proud of this when I finished it if I remember correctly. I was inspired by the many generic dance songs you hear on NG :3.

Glad you enjoyed it.

It was neat

Notbad with this one, it starts off right away with a {FAST-PACED} feel, wich i liked, but with the drums it gets too repetitive, you should really {MIX} it up with other sounds and imstraments especially with the long drum solo you have going on, dont get me wrong its pretty good just needs some mix in there, maybe even {SLOW} it down and {SPEED} it up, but other then that it is pretty good stuff, so keep up the good work. i look forward to hearing more stuff.

more mixture in the drum solo


Omnivore responds:

Just remember: Trance is not based off of ultra drum solos and beats. Trance is built off of reproducing beats that collide within each other. As it progresses throughout the song, you don't really hear any changes in the beats. And I like your review, but you need to know your genres. I find this review more useful for a rock song, or a metal song. Also, this is a submission for a collab. No other instruments were meant to be used.

It was interesting

Well this was differant it was very hard sounding, and there was some good mix of variaty in there wich is always good to hear, but your tune tends to get very soft and muffled at times not sure that was on purpose, but other then that this was alright the sound was just all over and kinda hard to focus in on one sound, but other then that it was alright i thought, so keep up the interesting sounds and as improving maybe something more straight forward but also keep the variaty you have going.

More straight forward but still with some mixture


TuRdz responds:

Thanks for the feedback! Will do next time :D


Hmmm well this was abit differant, i do love how it starts off though, and does have a sorta {BUILD-UP} kinda rough around the edges, the {VOCALS} were ok but thought it could be abit more sharper and clear, the whole clip seems to have a scratchyness to it, you may want to add abit more quality in on that aspect of stuff, but other then that this was an ok piece and i thought it could be better but was ok with me regardless, so nice job overall.

Some clarity and quality check could be worked on


It was interesting

ok so this was pretty decent, i thought maybe as a helpfull tip maybe make the {GUITARS} somewhat louder and a more focus sound, the drums were ok atleast i think that was some drums i thought i heard in there, the best parts of this track were the guitars and almost seems if you get some guitar solos in there, so nice job on that stuff, i just feel this was abit on the soft side with the guitars and would like a deeper and louder feel, other then that this was pretty good, good luck on anything new comming up, ill keep my eyes/ears open

needs a louder base or volume sound something though



And like i love tetris so i saved this one for future use, and because its pretty awsome, i like how its tetris but does sound somewhat differant so props to you on that, This has a unique sound so i really like this, hell i might even play this while playing the tetris from facebook haha, anyways ways this could be better or improved to be honest i thing you did it justice as is so i would leave this one be, its perfect in my opinion, so awsome job glad i had a chance to hear it and save it,



Step responds:

Haha thanks. This was a collaboration I did with my cousin. We were quite proud of it when we made it, although right now if I had to make a Tetris Remix I'd make a much better one, haha xP.

Thanks a lot for the review!

Its differant

Hmm ok this was notbad, it was differant, and out of the sounds from windows xp thats interesting guess i never really noticed before, this was an ok tune but i have to say there was not much too it, its ok but would have been nice to see more {POP} in there, i do like the ending thats the sound i do know haha, but really other then that i cant think of anything else for this, the onlything i could muck up would probably be its cute, anyways nice job, im getting there lol

It needs more pop more something but for what it is was pretty interesting.


Step responds:

That's because it's an old song :P. I agree that there really isn't much to it. A pretty simple beat and just some windows sounds layered on top of it.

But thanks for the helpful advice!

Nice piano

This was a good tune here starts off really good and fast paced, props to you on the {PIANO} very good quality, very sharp and clear and i was really enjoying this ones, not much of a gap at the end so you know where it starts and ends, its very good stuff, as for improving i honestly would leave this as is, its a good piece, so hope to hear more from you soon, untill next time good luck on anything new you got comming up.

It was good as is i wouldnt touch a thing.


Short-Factor responds:

Thank you, that was a nice review. Although you suggested it was perfect and yet gave it a 7..?

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