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Voice presentation

Hmm ok so this was interesting your voice is differant from what i thought it might sound like, its not so kiddish, so as a voicer its notbad, and i could see it being used in future flashes, only one issue i found with this, you talk too fast at times, and sometimes its too fast to understand, so you should have pauses here and there in between games and such, but other then that this is pretty good for showing people your voice.

As mentioned have some pauses so its not so fast speaking or monotone.

Very impressed

now this was a great piece infact this one is going into my faves list i love everything about this one, the guitar the vocals were fantastic aswell, i love the solo with the guitar even, now this would have been even better with more vocals as it was pretty good, and no real issues except maybe it could be longer with more vocals, but really other then that it was pretty good stuff, hope to hear more from you soon.

add a longer vocal to it,

Bunk420 responds:

Thank man! I really appreciate it. Didn't think this turn unfinished would really get a good review. I will as soon as I get moved into my new place get this one on top of getting finished.

Cool track

Notbad at all on this one, had a sorta "FINAL-FANTASY" feel, and i love how you had one part at a tempo then really change it up in another change up is awsome and the faster tempo was pretty good if you ask me, the "QUALITY" could have been better, more clearer sounds, maybe it was a mic issue but other then that this was pretty impressive very fast paced just like i like, anyways nice work keep it up.

You had a change up from fast to faster i think you should add more of that, or even a few parts that build up aswell.

rtnario responds:

I hear the quality (after all, it's been five years) XD Thanks for the review!

Great guitar

ok so i love the guitar on this, and it plays right away very fast and intense, i dont think i have heard you before but, this track was pretty good and seems well put together as each part seems to flow into eachother the guitar is very nicley done so props to you on that aspect of things, even some of the backround feel was pretty cool, now as any suggestion of making it better, well vocals ofcourse but i understasnd you had a time issue, anyways great stuff here

adding some vocals would be great with this one.


Hmm this was interesting and it does show some good effort on your part the "VOCALS" could use some fine tunning but thats just with time, but for the most part you have it down, and you did bring it together, i love the music part of it aswell especially at the start allthough seemed abit slow maybe speed up the begenning of it just a bit, so with all that and suggested its was notbad, but could use more effort.

the beginning was a bit slow speed it up abit, also vocals are great here on this but could be fine tuned

Too low sounding

Now i did like the soft feel of this but like another one i think this was just too low sounding, now if thats the intent i understand but i think you should have mixed up the volume sounds, so that it comes and goes or even have build up in it, But regardless of all that this was still a nice and nifty piece you made, just too low but like i said could mix things up, but anyways untill next time good luck.

About low sounding i think you should have mixed up the volume sounds, so that it comes and goes or even have build up in it,


ObsidianSnow responds:

In terms of volume, it's too low because of an export problem I had back when I was using Reason 2.0. I've since upgraded, and no longer have this issue.

In terms of the flow, I agree. It could use a little more diversity. I'm not thinking I'll go back and mess with this one any more, though - this was written years ago. I might still use the theme somewhere in a different piece somewhere down the road, but we'll see.

In any case, I appreciate your constructive criticism, so thank you!

Pretty nifty

OK so notbad at all with this one, i was very pleased with this except with the "LOW" sounding feel of it, maybe thats what you wanted, but sometimes it just got too low and really couldnt hear your sounds, but other parts were fine and love the "PIANO" was great and was my fave part of all, maybe more of that in the future, but anyways i enjoyed this piece, very welldone, untill next time good luck.

So my only issue with this that could be improved would be the really low sounding parts it was too low in my oppinion.



Ok so this was pretty good kinda reminded me a cross from phantom of the opera to castlevania so it does have that dark and vampire feel, so perfect for the ghosts and goblin type of flashes, i loved it actually has a very dark nature, so im impressed with what you came up with, now some spots of improving you could probably add a dark laugh in the backround for extra measure, but besides that it was awsome.

you could probably add a dark laugh in the backround



oh here is something nice and i love how this starts out very neat, and the quality is pretty good with the sounds and instraments, very good sounds here, now this almost sounds japanese, but anyways almost seems like you could add some vocals to this and it would be that much perfect, now as improving onto this, not too sure its already great and i would leave it as is, anyways great track here make more soon.

hard to change anything on this as it was perfect.


Calamaistr responds:

its a little jewel :)


Now this was very nice, infact i think ill save this one as a fave, but besides that i love the soft feel and you really allowed the music to live upto the name, i love the pleasent feel soft tones but some harder tones could help in this mainly towards the end, but most of this was pretty brilliant, and i enjoyed it mostly for its pleasent tones, so props to you on a nice piece i really liked what you presented here.

some small build up would be nice but it was fine besides that


Rampant responds:

Thanks :)

I'll be writing a different/new version of the track, based on the same theme, this coming January. I'll definitely keep your feedback in mind when making the new one.

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