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Cute voice

Wow this was pretty good you really do put your emotion into it, and its actually very good and reminds of of watching an anime cartoon so if that was the idea great job, could be somewhat longer maybe even changing up things like if your mad, silly and really happy even some sad moments but thats just me, but anyways great piece here i enjoyed it, it was a great test for people to see and use your voices, anyways nice job.

I suggested some other moments you could put out there just an idea.

Hnilmik responds:

Thanks for taking the time to write up a review~

This entry was for a contest, with rules being to interpret and stay in character based on the images provided, so I'm actually glad that this made you think of an anime! Riley's character image featured an anime character and though I could've used a more obnoxiously anime voice, I chose to be more creative with my entry. Looks like it still got perceived as an anime either way though!

Trust me, I would've done WAAAYYY more, but entries had to be 45 seconds to 2 minutes, so this was all I could fit in within the time limit. Had to cut out a lot of extra gags and emotional shifts. Maybe an extended version someday~?

Notbad at all

So notbad with this it starts off fast and keeps going with all the differant sounds and such, and has some nice differant sounds in there making for a good piece and the chimes i think they were chimes, were a great piece i loved it and made the track perfect so if i were to add or change anything on this its probably adding more chimes and making the tune longer in the end, so other then that, this was notbad at all and i enjoyed it.

change some of the more reppetitive points with some more chimes and mix it up abit.

KSBeats responds:

Ty very much, I will take this into account on future projects.

Fantastioc relation to movies

Wow this was really brilliant, it has the whole feel of the movies and prime, it was abit on the soft side, i can understand it being soft at the start but you should have had a build-up alot sooner and come in abit harder and faster towards the end, it was good for the flowing quality of the music you are presenting, there was just no ump or edge that really grabbed me, but some more power sounds would do that, now i understand that might not be your path for this either way it was brilliant sounding.

Fantastic piece and relates to the movies well but wouldnt mind abit more ump to this one. i suggested above.

Sheodon responds:


Thank you for the review, it is really appreciated and useable. I will tell you first that I'm not satisfied with the song itself, I don't like it, I'd totally re-do it now if I had enough time for it. Maybe I'll re-do it, but I've been already working on 4 totally different projects at the same time.

Yeah, I understand what you mean. It's slow at the beginning and has its own atmosphere, but could be stronger in the end, with some drums and percussion to make the feel that the Prime risen to defeat the Decepticons.

I love it

oh wow this is nice, you may just be my new fave audio artist, ill have to checkout the rest of your stuff, but i got that idea from just the first few seconds of this piece, very pleasent and soothing, so i cant wait for a full version, and if its like this it will be a fantastic piece so i will look forward to it and look for it, again this was pleasent and peacful, very welldone, anyways good luck on your next version.

The onlything this could use is some nice vocals.

AshleyAlyse responds:

That is exactly what I would love in to have in this song, some amazing vocals. It's a little hard with the program I use since Reason doesn't have very good vocal refills. :( But I will try to finish this soon when I'm in the mood! Thank you so much for your review! I appreciate it! :)


hmmm nice and pleasent with this little track and love the christmas feel or holiday feel for that matter, it starts off really soft, and while that is ok it was just too soft sounding at the start, so it has a nice build-up wich is very pleasent, and gets better as you play, in the end its very delightfull and again pleaent to hear, so you did a fantastic job on bringing this together.

I would like to hear a faster build up, and maybe not as soft sounding in the opening seconds, just a thought though.

A short loop

hmm ok so this was interesting allthough its very short so i suppose it could be more of loop for sound.fx, while thats ok maybe you could work on it abit more adding some new stuff in there and making it more into something more then a loop or atleast a longer loop of sorts, while these are just some helpful ideas maybe it could be longer more backround sounds and more depth to it, so with all that said there wasent much to it but it was ok.

could be longer more backround sounds and more depth to it

Nice track here, i liked it

hmm ok so this one is notbad, it has good "QUALITY" to it and you do mix it up abit its very sharp thats something i always look for with these pieces, so nice job there, and i do hear some other sounds in there wich is cool and really comesout in this track and seems to all come together, now as for improving points, im not too sure, as this seems pretty solid if you ask me, anyways great stuff here.

i think this is just right as is, i woulding take away or add anything, good job.

delibrete responds:

Hey thanks man :) I always love comment and critic.

Well this is my first remix, personally I'm not overly happy with the result (I know it could be a whole lot better) but I'm still learning about making electronic music.

I'm planning on releasing a whole album of stuff, some remixes and some original (going to explore more dubstep). Hopefully my next track will have a better outcome.

Thank you for your input it's greatly appreciate :)

Decent but could use more sounds

hmm so this is notbad, has a slow build up maybe too repettitive for me, i think in the repettitive part of of it you should mix in differant sounds even some backround effects would work here, just an idea, just seems with the slow build up its just too slow in my opinion ofcorse, but other then that i thought it was an ok piece here, so while that is said you could add other instraent sounds.

the build up was too slow needs more sounds and mixes in there

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