I love this sound
Very nice sounds you have here, and some decent quality, allthough maybe some extras could be added, but besides that i thought this was a pretty good entry of a tune. So you have a nice and unique sound i like how you even mix it up as it progresses, you really change it up here and there and thats pretty impressive, the "QUALITY" is pretty good aswell, so the variaty and diverity is great and some good sounds so nice job there. What else can i say that i have not already, but you do have something interesting here, its kinda neat the way this all cameout, and wouldnt mind some more into this but i will get into that.
So with some slight improvments here allthough you may not need it, but besides that ill suggest a few ideas and options and maybe you can roll with it, and if not then it is all good since you do have something decent here. Maybe adding some more variaty like some deeper sounds mixed in with what you have, might add to the variaty.