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Very pleasent

So you have a very pleasent touch here with this one, I really love how soft and pleasent this plays out you really do have some nice piano playing, and i think i will add this one to my faves list, i do however wish this one was somewhat longer, maybe you could have gave it some build up and build down throughout, almost seems like it was unfinished but anyways it was a pretty good piece i thought.

Could be longer and have some longer build ups aswell as a build down.

CheckeredZebra responds:

Ah thank you! I think so as well, looking back on it now. At the same time, though, I'm not really sure what could appropriately add onto the feel of this piece. I've toyed around with it since then, and have yet to come up with something that works.
Either way, I'm glad that you considered adding it to your favorites, I'm very happy you enjoyed it. =)

Notbad here

So this was kind of differant, there was a good beat in here butalso there was a small vocal in there that had some variaty to it so that was a plus to it and made for some interesting backround effects and sounds so nice job all around there, good effort and i really like the mix you gave this, like i said it was differant, anyways good job here and keep up the effort in future stuff.

Well with this kind you have alot of variaty and there is not much you can change so i would leave it as is.

ZxOOxZ responds:

I tend to do that and focus on the next project XD, but i do take all reviews into account the only problem is figuring out what reviews i have so Renewing beats and revamping them may take a while


Wow i am simply amazed at this piece, as soon as it started playing, i was wow this is a fave automaticly, and will download it, this is truly a unique piece and i am loving every bit of it, all the unique sounds really seem to be comming together very well, so i was pretty impressed there, wish it was just a tad longer and maybe some of those extra and creative sounds, but anyways good job here.

so you have a brilliant and unique peice her, maybe if it was a tad longer and some more of the creative sounds you already have in there with more punch to it.

steampianist responds:

thank you for the review and honesty

Wow very nice with this one.

Very soothing and soft sounding, the "VOICE" and even "VOCALS" were a really nice adittion to the backround music and it all seems to work together very well, and the effort does show on this one so you have outdone yourself with such a beatifull piece, and i will for sure look for more of your work, Now as for any kind of improvments maybe some extra effects in the backround, maybe something that can accent the vocals aswell.

And here we are once again with some adjustments and improvments, now i may not have any but i may have something possitive, but like i said you may not need it but maybe adding some small extra backround effects something that will not take away focus from the vocals and voice.

Kicking beat you have

So right from the get go this was kicking good beat here, love the fast tempo you have going on it, it was a nice touch, and you really seem to mix it up aswell, giving it some nice sounds and even some effects, i wouldnt mind even more mixture of other sounds, but also focusing on more build up would be a blast, but for the mostpart you have done well here.

Now as for some improvments dont know where to start but i will do my best in suggestion some possitive idea that can make it better but then again its already decent, so anyways here are my thoughts on the whole piece. Well i did suggest more build up and more mixture of sounds, and also it could have a much better ending something more explosive.

ForeverBound responds:

thanks for the review =)

Could be louder

This had a soft touch to it maybe that was the idea, but i must say that it was still soft, and you had some backround effects that are ok, but im thinking you need to push the effects more upfront and more of focus, and abit "LOUDER" wouldnt hurt either, this would give your track abit more depth to it and make it a more fun experience for all. But anyways keep up the decent tunes.

Improvments are always abit hard to come by especially with music cause you dont know where to start, but i think you do have something decent here so ill suggest some possibilities that could help and improve on this. Well you may want to bring the effects more fucus and the whole tune could be louder aswell.

Carr77 responds:

Okay I'll try that next time :D
Thanks for the comment :)

Very nice work

Now with this one you can really tell that you put the time and effort into this and to bring it fourth with some good quality about it, very top notch stuff here, and i especially love the "BUILD-UP" you been giving this aswell, you didnt overally attack this but you let the music flow how it should, so i was pretty impressed with that, and wouldnt mind seeing more build up with some more random changes but then back down to the flow of tune you have here, but anyways nice work indeed.

Build up was great, maybe have some more build up into some random changes.

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