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So this here was pretty different the vocals are notbad maybe more added background sounds and such would be one good idea and this could be longer as well overall this was actually pretty good and a nice piece overall I like the vibe of this and you bring out some nice quality anyways nice job

A longer portion and some added background sounds


Very nice

So this was a good sound quality I have to say it has now over three thousand listens that's pretty good wow an amazing tune indeed very nice work here I enjoyed the dance type theme here and has a good fast paced feel to it so nice job on this and good quality no changes needed this was good quality


Love me some jazz

I have to say this was awsome not just because I love me some "JAZZ" but you have a clear and crisp sound with some really good quality, Not sure I would change anything but I do have to say make it longer with some intense build up cause with jazz you can really push it, Finest detail I have heard in a long time, So I am looking forward to see what else you can come out with, as this was one of those pieces that sticks out at you so nice efforts here. you gave this some nice Rhythm and have composed a nice piece here. Keep up this type of quality.

Not sure I would change anything but I do have to say make it longer with some intense build up cause with jazz you can really push it


AzulJazz responds:

Thank you so much friend

I like it

So you have a nice "MIX" here and you have a lot of promotion, but this was nice I do feel it could use more build up even some more fade outs, And to end things off here, again a decent tune with some little work needed as you have pushed some good effort though and such, I was pretty impressed. So on an ending note keep making some fantastic stuff not just for people around you but mostly because it gives you joy, And a great way to end this aswell, with all these interesting sounds and micture that you bring forward a good track that you have created for us.

I do feel it could use more build up even some more fade outs



So this was an "INTENSE" piece it was some what slow at first and I think adding some fade outs then building it up even more would be pretty nifty, So as I have listened to this track a few times its interesting some parts could be better, but it was a pretty good tune, it was differant in someways but most of all I did like what you presented here and ill just say keep going with that, its decent stuff, But anyways thats that and this was an interesting piece of some sounds yes different but also much more then that its one of those tunes that draws you in.

I think adding some fade outs then building it up even more would be pretty nifty


ShockblastDeluxe responds:

Thanks for your input!

First of all, I'm glad that the drop actually has the intensity of a real drop. I've had this problem in the past, and I think this is somewhere around the fifth time it's been successful.

Second, I am fully aware that it needs some improvements here and there even after revisal, and your criticism is welcome.

Very nice piano

I love me some "PIANO" and have to say you have some real skill and talent on the keyboard it starts off slow but you do slowly build it up in its own way, I wouldnt mind some more intense build up just a tad more, So all things come to an end so does this review, but not before I have to say that it was a pleasure, to hear your sound workon this one, so notbad with this one. This was actually one of the Finest tracks I have seen in a good week atleast, so nice effort here, Cool track here and now I dont want to drag this review on but before I do go I will say its stuff like this that really make me enjoy the music and sounds that come thru the portal everyday.

I wouldnt mind some more intense build up just a tad more



So for fifty one seconds long and thats really short but it is almost a min so I guess its notbad, but I will say the guitar "QUALITY" could be better it was a bit scratchy and could be polished with a more clear and crisp quality sound aswell as making this a tad bit longer, anyways nice job.

I will say the guitar could be better it was a bit scratchy and could be polished with a more clear and crisp quality sound aswell as making this a tad bit longer



So that was kind of nifty, So this was very "SHORT" its a nifty piece nifty sound but just too short you can ad much more to this and mix it up a bit and atleast make this a longer loop somehow, it would be a plus on things, and make this piece much more enjoyble.

nifty sound but just too short you can ad much more to this and mix it up a bit and atleast make this a longer loop somehow


Very nice

So this was cool a nice melody here for a first full song but as I said the melody is pretty good and this was not short by any means not real long either it is a good sound quality so nice job here I like the flavor you braught on this one so the energy and talent is here and hope you keep up the flavor on this and future pieces here

I think you did pretty awesome with this piece so no changes needed


Very nice

So this was really nice work you have here I like the style and love how this starts off and that piano in the background is really good now I do favor piano but have to say it was a nice touch in this one and even with that I would push more of that piano but anyways nice work here I really liked the effort here

Some more dominant piano from the background


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