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Really nice melody

Wow you are really talented the melody for one was pleasent and some solid flavor you push, I really love that "PIANO" too love the focus on that, I would try and ad some extra backround sounds maybe some soft ambient just as an idea, Alright so as to not bore you any longer I will end this review, but will say this was an interesting piece that caught my attention and really hope to hear more stuff like this especially if its yours so keep up the decent work and efforts, And well thats that I really enjoyed reviewing this and you really presented something very well here, I hope you keep making more stuff like this.

I would try and ad some extra backround sounds maybe some soft ambient just as an idea


Tennon responds:

Yeah thats also my opinion

Nice mix

So there was a good mixture of sounds here like the piano at the start, and the "DRUMS" later thats a good build up I would love some more build up into a more intense vibe, There are some good and Fascinating things about this submission, sometimes Immeasurable but you found its Finest moment here on the portal, Love the originality of this it's a great great track! Keep up the good work you bring some nice emotion to this and make a style all your own I like the vibe this gives off and you really do put the effort into this one so nice work here on this one, keep at it.

I would love some more build up into a more intense vibe


Midnights-Ocean responds:

Hey thanks much for such an in depth response. I really appreciate good feedback! I agree on the things that need improving. This is rather unorthodox and I figured some trance heads might be lukewarm on it for that. I’m guessing if I gave better build/brake and doubled the length of those sweet sections (what you called piano), it would probably be more accessible for trance fans. Some other things could be improved too.

All in all though, I’m super happy you had so many nice things to say about it as is. Back when I made this (over 10 years ago), I didn’t have the discipline to keep to a more classic trance formula and now I don't want to change it too too much since I personally like how unique and off the wall it is. Also there's the issue of time. I’d love to really tune this piece up but with so many albums to polish and post before the end of the year (over 16 and counting), it’ll have to wait awhile. All that missing build brake is loads of little things that take me time the way I work (note by note). Thanks again! :)


Wow you have some "INTENSE" sound here and for being a remix I can see why you fell in love with this song really solid and your version is really good sounding, I would love some "ECHO" sounds in the backround might make it even more better but thats just an idea to throw your way, This had lots of pleasures of vibes and sounds, all rolled up into one tune and your work shows that here, so before I end this review I do wish to say that this was a grand pleasure, The path you might take with your direction here and other works is on you, just make sure to try new things and invest in the best possible monitoring environment and create your own style for the mostpart you have done that.

I would love some echo or random sound/fx sounds in the backround might make it even more better but thats just an idea to throw your way


Love the guitar

Wow I am in love with the "GUITAR" in this piece the "VOICE" and lyrics are pretty good too I think some higher pitced points in the voice along with high end strings might be a good build up point, So that was a decent tune you had in here, Some things could be better I thought but overall I found it to be an interesting tune, and would love to hear more stuff of yours in the near future, but anyways I had a good time with this one, it was a nifty track here, Great work with this, I normally admire anyone willing to do something different, its different but thats what I have come to love about it.

I think some higher pitced points in the voice along with high end strings might be a good build up point


dude2312 responds:

Hey, XwaynecoltX thanks for checking my song! It was something totally different than what I normally do. I appreciate your constructive criticism as well!

Feel free to message me so we can talk more about these high pitched points in the voice. I could use those in new songs!

Very nice sound

I like the kick this "STARTS" off with a good beat good rythem and flows well, Now it does play straight through you should think about some build-ups in this, Alright so that was that you have a good piece here some good tunes, and while I am ending this review soon one last thing I will mention is that I had fun with this piece, And well that was that it was a pleasure finding this one and reviewing it ofcourse, you got the style and you keep it real, so keep that effort up on future works, and feel free to drop me a line and I will be glad to have a listen.

Now it does play straight through you should think about some build-ups in this



Well that was a rather "STRANGE" sound you have here but would be "PERFECT" for some sound/fx like in a sci-fi animation of sorts and such, seems like you could make this go longer even and ad much more to this, more random sounds and such mixtures like that.

seems like you could make this go longer even and ad much more to this, more random sounds and such mixtures


Very short

So this was not a bad tune you have here, but for "FOUR" seconds it was just too short and I really could see you stretching this one out to be much longer and more indepth with some added sounds more variaty of stuff and such, just an idea to think about for a bit.

could see you stretching this one out to be much longer and more indepth with some added sounds more variaty of stuff and such


This is a nice beat

This is a good beat I like the sound here I think you could have added more and adding some background sounds to reflect off the main beat would be a huge plus I like the style just needs more added to it mainly the background sounds and such very nice work hope to hear more from you soon

More background sounds would be cool



So this was notbad for a voice demo I think you could make more of this as this one was just way too short make more demo reel and ad more accents and deeper and higher variations just ad more to this and it will make for a better voice reel and that's my take on this anyways keep up the decent work

Could be longer with accents and other sounds


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