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Wow nice

First of all congratulations on this piece it's been used in twenty three pieces of films or games that's pretty amazing right there and pretty impressive you have some amazing work the sound quality on this one was pretty good so props to you on a brilliant piece of work here this was some great stuff and glad I had a chance to review this piece

No changes on such a great submission



Wow this was "AMAZING" I really love how you "START" this off and theres lots of mixture in this also has some sort of dark element so that was a plus, for sure would love to see more drops on this so you can really drive it up, Once again I find myself finding something different and unique in the portal and thats what I have here, a decent piece with some nice little extras some nice Rhythm at its Finest, Now here was a good track that you have created for us here And a decent way to end this with all the mixture of all the sounds, you have Fascinating and unique way about how this all progressed through.

for sure would love to see more drops on this so you can really drive it up


DerpcatOfficial responds:

ayyy thanxxxx <3


Well this was actually "NOTBAD" I really like this but do think you could ad some mixture in there aswell as some drops or fade outs so that you have some of that mixture to be added and a fade out might be nice on this, anyways nice work here and some nice sound.

think you could ad some mixture in there aswell as some drops or fade outs so that you have some of that mixture to be added and a fade out might be nice on this


Really nice

So I think I have come apon your sound work before and this was some solid work and you bring so much quality to the portal its pretty amazing stuff so no need for any changes on this piece and congrats on the frontpage, Great track you have here you bring a lot to this piece especially some decent quality, some very good effort all the way around, and I was impressed with this whole piece right from the start as it was intense and progressed very well, You have a good vibe and style here and I will check out more of what you offer, It was different but thats what I enjoyed about it now go make your next great gem.

so no need for any changes on this piece


Nice sound

So I hear some "GUITAR" and drums I think, but it was really nice sounding I think some speed up of tempos could improve on this piece just a bit, but honestly I found this piece to be pretty good as is, its a solid sounding work of sound, so keep doing what you do best here and make more great sound.

I think some speed up of tempos could improve on this piece just a bit, but honestly I found this piece to be pretty good as is



Very nice sound here, the "QUALITY" is amazing and love the vocals in this, some faster tempos with more build up would be one thing I would ad, You bring the Charm to the portal, A very Notable piece here, This one caught my attention, mainley becaus eyou can really lay down some tune and give it some good vibe, it was smooth sounding just a small Summary here not my Finest review but wanted to say a few words on your tune here, So before I go I will say it was nice checking out your work and hope to checkout even more stuff that you may dawn for us here in the portal.

some faster tempos with more build up would be one thing I would ad


Nice and fresh

So this was a nice "BEAT" here its very uplifting, and its nothing short has some really nice "GUITAR" in there aswell, some really nice sound you have here I like the quality you bring on this, I think some added slowing down of tempo then building it up agan, anyways great stuff.

I think some added slowing down of tempo then building it up agan


This was nifty

A nifty beat you have "GOING" on here the "VOCALS" are pretty good and some really nice rythem from vocals to the sound in the backend, you really know how to make the vocals work well and thats something I liked about this piece, I think you should mix more back end sound with this maybe even have some fade out of vocals then bring in some of that back end music, but anyways nice work.

I think you should mix more back end sound with this maybe even have some fade out of vocals then bring in some of that back end music


Nice sound

So this was some nice "SOUND" and does have that "JAZZ" feel I think you should ad more jazz instraments and give it some more jazzy sound it was a deep sound and really jumped out at me, but thats my take on things, anyways keep up the amazing work as this was a fun piece.

I think you should ad more jazz instraments and give it some more jazzy sound


Nice beat

A really nice "BEAT" here you really pick up the tempo and has that "TECHNO" feel about kind of something like at a rave or something, I think you could have gone a little longer on this but overall it was great, I love the effort you have put fourth here, A good track you have here some good tid bits here or there that make up for something decent, but you do have a nice gem here, So now this was a pleasure to checkout it is one of those kinds of pieces that really draws you in with some deep thaught, so an interesting piece for sure and hope you expand onto it sometime but if not it was fine as is.

I think you could have gone a little longer on this but overall it was great


FelixZophar responds:

Okay, thanks! But why take off 1 1/2 stars for it being too short? I would take off 1/2 a star.

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