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Nice beat

So there is some nice "BEAT" in this one really has something "UNIQUE" within it I love the drum beats in there aswell you did pretty good in making this flow aswell, so with this one I wouldnt change much on it if anything maybe just make it a tad longer, anyways good sound here.

so with this one I wouldnt change much on it if anything maybe just make it a tad longer


Nice Quality

So there was some really good "QUALITY" here on this one and it really shows off well I like the deep drums in this, my onlything is maybe adding different variations of the drums and other elements, but for the mostpart you have some really nice work here.

Good quality no need for any changes maybe some small variation if even that.


Well notbad

So this was actually notbad at all, I like the "GUITAR" that you have in there, but do think adding more guitar and making this track even longer would be nice, your sound work is amazing you really do have some nice energy here and that guitar is nice just needs more.

make this longer and ad more guitar.


I like it

So this was pretty cool, I like it and I like the "LYRICS" in this one, you have made a nice sound here those lyrics are really good, as for any improment tips dont think you need any with this one, it was some nice sound and great lyrics, so keep up the amazing work.

As mentioned above this doesnt need any changes.


Nice sound here

This was a nice sound you have going on in this one, I like that this is a long piece I do feel like it could use more mixes and twsts though seemed too much on a straight line and could use more variaty to it, but overall this was pretty solid, but anyways nice work here.

I do feel like it could use more mixes and twsts though seemed too much on a straight line and could use more variaty to it



So this was a nice little "BEAT" you have here I do wish it could be longer and with much more mixture about it seems like its too straight forward, maybe some added sounds to mix it up, but honestly this was really good sound of a beat I like it, so make more soon.

Could be longer more mixture added and a few added sounds.


Really nice

so this had a more "SUBTLE" sound about it but thats what I really liked about you can hear the quality come out and you have some really good talent here, I really like the "VIBE" of this sound here so this is one piece I wouldnt change anything on you have solid work here very nice audio.

I wouldnt change anything on you have solid work here



That brings back some memories, you really have this one down And I really love the "QUALITY" here really no changes needed it was awsome, So you bring some good success here and bring it front view and forward with a decent quality with a mix and variaty of nice work and efforts A nifty piece here and a good find in the audio portal, I am glad I came across this one because you really dont hear this kind of stuff as often as you would like, so for me this was a nice find, I wish I could have more finds like this one.

really no changes needed it was awsome


XTREEMMAK responds:

Ohh wow! Thank you for the high compliment ^_^


Well I will say this was pretty "DIFFERENT" And I really like that you added in a good mixture of sounds and even effects, my take on this piece is that you could make it longer and ad even more mix and variaty to it, its a good track you have here though, I like your style on this.

Some added mixture and more longer ofcourse.



Well this was an interesting audio piece you have here, it was not very "LONG" and seemed somewhat repetitive, but I do like all the different "INSTRAMENT" sounds you have here on this one and really makes it sound full but I would suggest adding more to this as it was short, anyways nice sound.

Could be longer and mix it up a tad.


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