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Really nice vibe

I really like the deep vibe this one has some really nice quality too, some added drops or fades with some extra build up would be a plus but even as it is now is really impressive, So theres a lot of mishaps in the portal and Im glad this is not one of them, Im also glad I found this fine piece of yours here today This is Excellently a great fine infact I would even say its a Goldmine, So this was a plus because it was not exactly mainstream but has its own unique style and thats always a great find in the portal, its a Passionate piece you have here, and thats my Summary.

some added drops or fades with some extra build up would be a plus but even as it is now is really impressive


rosenrotR responds:

What a constructive react! Thank for having take the time to tell precisely what you think about my track
I glad this portal still have people who are looking for new tracks :) please take a look on my soundcloud account, you can see a link in previous description

Thank for your recommandation too
see you asap


So this here was a nice listen, you have some good quality in this and I really liked the element here some really nice sounds, and this is one I wont suggest any changes because you have really pushed the limits on this one, so nice work here and hope you make more soon.

make more soon.


Really nice

This was nice and different, some added drops on this might mix it up a bit, Its always nice to check out something different and thats what I found in this track and you have dawned on us a unique piece here And it is unique for a number of reasons its something special thats all I know, Alright so this one has an interesting quirky feel about it and you dont hear stuff like this every day so its nice when one finally does get a little bit of this style

some added drops on this might mix it up a bit


Something interesting

Well this was notbad and it was "INTERESTING" I think the vocals should be louder and the rest of the sounds slightley lower, but overall this was a nice tune you have here, I like the sound here and there was some decent quality on this one, I look forward to even more.

I think the vocals should be louder and the rest of the sounds slightley lower



Well notbad on this one, it does need some twists and turns and needs some mixture of tempos and even drops and build ups, You have tested the boundaries with this one, and those are the types of tracks that I really want to check out more so nice start up here this was different in more then a few ways and you can tell right off the bat so nice job here, You bring something different to the audio format and thats something special I like the sounds you ad with this it makes it different

it does need some twists and turns and needs some mixture of tempos and even drops and build ups


ChadWiggy responds:

Thanks for the feedback! I had a drummer join in on the track, which I'm about to post. Listening to him gave me a couple ideas for my next run on this style. Ideas are in line with your feedback. Thanks for the review and feedback support. :-)

Really nice

So this was some really "NICE" sound you have here, it is pleasent and picks up deep so really awsome stuff here about the middle with the piano a faster build up could be in order but even if not its fine as is, So all these sounds in one place you put it together in nice fashion, I love all the mix and variaty that you presented here today Its that mix that really just speaks volumes so nice efforts there, There is some really cool stuff here to start off with some special and unique sounds and it really kind of jumps out at you, so nice work here and keep up the fantastic audio build.

about the middle with the piano a faster build up could be in order but even if not its fine as is


aasquared responds:

Thank you ever so much! :*

Wow nice

I am enjoying the "VOCALS" on this and the backround sounds and sound f/x, would love more drops and build ups on this piece, You bring a nice variaty and mix to the table with this one, thats actually what drew me in to this one, And its finds like this one that I really come to enjoy Its like a Jolt energy in this piece, you have some good Transitions on this piece thats something that really jumped out at me even, This one has some good attention because they are interesting and unique in there own way and style, This to me was a Goldmineso props to you for this one.

would love more drops and build ups on this piece


BeefourMusic responds:

Thanks for the indepth review! Glad you liked it and I will get some stronger build ups and drops for you in the future.


This was a nice tune but, you really have something here that you can polish onto and make even better, but what I want to say here is that this was just some good sound you have, Its not the mainstream stuff you hear every day you have added your own twist on thinsg here, So I do enjoy the work here not much needs to be changed on this, You do have some nice sound here so the effort is there and good qaulity.

seems like you could mix it up a bit more, like some random sounds and some drops and build ups


BadCommandCo responds:

i wanted to make a simple, kinda dumbed down chiptune song for fun, but now you have me wanting to make a new alternate version. That could be pretty cool. Thanks!


So this was by far a "DIFFERENT" tune then I normally hear you have impressed me thouogh, for sure make more of this unique sound, You are revolutionizeing the audio portal here, Here we have some nice little extras and a fun piece of some track that seems to flow well so its always nice to find stuff like this. this was an escalating rythem and I will even say some motivating element about it, I have come to love a lot about this track, but mostly I normally admire anyone willing to do something different, so Great work with this.

for sure make more of this unique sound


JacksonTime responds:

Haha I'm not sure it's _that_ revolutionary. A canon is a 400 year old method of composing after all. Thanks for listening, and I'm glad you like it.

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