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Nice sound

So this was a "CATCHY-TUNE" you have a good video game style here and I found this piece to be pretty "CUTE" you have some nice sounds and mixture with this one heres a tune I wouldnt change anything on it as you have done pretty good on this one, so keep doing what you do.

heres a tune I wouldnt change anything on it as you have done pretty good on this one



Well it's notbad maybe some added background sound f/x it has some good quality to it and I think you have some really nice detail here the sound detail I mean and could be slightly longer but regardless of all that this was pretty cool very nice sound anyways hope to hear more from you soon

As mentioned some added back end sounds and could be longer


Really nice

So this was nice, It seems to have a slow build up, not untill "1:40" does it really start to kick up the beat, so maybe a faster tempo build up would be a nice touch up on this one, other then that this was cool, I really liked it, and was some solid work here.

faster tempo build up would be a nice touch up on this one, other then that this was cool



So this was pretty decent "SOUND" I think you could ad more to this the sound could be louder and there could be more mixture in there aswell, and this whole piece could be longer, Its a pretty decent sound though I like it and feel it could be even better.

I think you could ad more to this the sound could be louder and there could be more mixture in there aswell, and this whole piece could be longer



So you have a nice sound on this one, I love how this just "TAKES" off right from the start with some nice sounds, you really have some talent on this one and push the limits, I wouldnt mind a small change in there like some drops and build ups but even without any changes this was solid work, anyways nice stuff.

a small change in there like some drops and build ups but even without any changes this was solid work


Very cool

So this was really cool you have some nice idea here with a nice "STYLE" here and some good sound ofcourse, you could make this longer and some extended sounds it could be nice you do have some quality sound here, it is pretty decent and Hope you make more like this soon.

you could make this longer and some extended sounds


Nice sound

So this was some nice "SOUND" I like the build up but seems like there was a slow tempo about this and while that may have been your intent but some faster tempo quicker from the start it could creat that build up moment also, but for the mostpart I found this to be pretty interesting.

a speed up at start of tempo as an idea.


Very nice

Wow I have "FAVED this right away its some really good sound and has a sort of build up too, I do think more build up would really work well on this one, you have some really nice sound work here though, you have a nice element of sounds that make up something good here.

I do think more build up would really work well on this one


Love it

Wow this was really nice I really love what you did with the "PIANO" especially at the start of this, if this was even just a solo with that piano I would still be happy but I do like the mixture and variaty you have added in this one, you have some nice skills here some good vibe about it all.

Great vibe here no changes needed on such a beautiful piece.


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