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A nice beat

So you have a nice little beat here it was pretty good nothing too crazy and just flows along with some nice sound here you really do have a unique sound with how the beat plays and flows along so nice job, I like your style here hope you make some more of tis someday.

no changes it was a nice beat


Deep sound

So here was a nice sound the guitar is very deep and that makes it sound unique so nice job here now for as short as it was it was nice but could see you making it longer more guitar sounds and more depth, anyways a great tune here and I look forward to even more.

could see you making it longer more guitar sounds and more depth


Very smooth

So this was pretty nice it was smooth and soft and slowly builds up but I do think you could have a faster build up from the start so it could show more of the depth but overall this was a nice little tune you have created here for us all to enjoy.

I do think you could have a faster build up from the start so it could show more of the depth


a fast beat

so this was a fast beat I like the fast beat but seems like it kind of just ended but there was some nice sound quality here and a good vibe on this one really nice work here I think if you did make this a tad longer it would be nice, anyways nice job here

make this longer possbly



So the sound was unique and this was different you have some good vibe and quality here you could change it up and have different build ups and tempo changes but anyways nice job, hope you make more to this or ad onto it untill then keep up the good work.

you could change it up and have different build ups and tempo changes



A nice drun bass but seems like it was too slow and could use for a faster tempo even some added build ups into that faster tempo, but you have some nice sound here, really nice work, I like it and would be nice if this was somewhat longer just a tad.

it was too slow and could use for a faster tempo even some added build ups into that faster tempo


Very nice sound so this was a nice sound you have here I really liked your vibe on this and you gave off some nice quality too so really nice job here I look forward to even more from you as this was some solid work anyways I love the jazzy feel here keep up the amazing work as always

Has a nice jazzy feel no need for any changes



So this was cool and notbad kind of a nifty sound you have going on here I really like the sound quality on this and while it was not short I liked how it. All sounded so really nice job here anyways good work and hope you make more soon

Make more soon



So this was notbad the only issue I had here was that the volume quality was low and was a tad hard to hear even with my access of my own volume controls just something to look into anyways a nice sound here and hope you make more sometime it was a decent track.

the only issue I had here was that the volume quality was low and was a tad hard to hear even with my access of my own volume controls


This was really nice

I even added this one as one of my faves because I love the soothing element of it all you have a great sense of music and how it can flow, so no major changes are really needed you did a fantastic job, So in the end this was a pretty good and solid tune, A nice tune here something I can listen to throughout the day or a stroll along the beach so nice tune I really liked it. It has a certain unique feel to it, and thats why I like it, keep up the good efforts, And that was a decent track If I have any changes it will be in the improvment section below, for the mostpart I have enjoyed this work here, so keep making a style like this.

no major changes are really needed you did a fantastic job


Bertn1991 responds:

A stroll along the beach does sound lovely Thank you so much, sir. Always nice hearing your thoughts :D

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