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Well this was a fantastic pice starts off smooth and builds up, I am loving the slow build up maybe it could even have a somewhat deeper and faster build up towards the end, And as this tune comes to an end I must say it was pretty decent, not sure what to improve on it but I enjoyed this piece and really look forward to more of this style soon, anyways great work here. Not much more I can say, exceptihope to see more stuff like this, Well I must say after all that this was a nice gem I found in the portal, I will have to check out more of your work sometime as this was a nice little gem, and dont forget keep making the top notch quality as you did here.

I am loving the slow build up maybe it could even have a somewhat deeper and faster build up towards the end


This was nice

So this was a nice little track here with some nice rythem to this it has a really long build up and wish it was somewhat shorter to the build up but overall this was a nice piece some good rythem and good sound here so keep up the great work really nice tune.

it has a really long build up and wish it was somewhat shorter to the build up but overall this was a nice piece


Very beautiful

This was really nice I love the vocals in this one would love to see more of these types with more depth within the vocals you dont need changes within this piece as its awsome, So with the whole tune in my head it was a good reliefe to finally finish it, I was generall pleased with this, right from the start with some good effects and a good touch of skills put into this and cant wait for more from you. And thats all I have to say at this point, So with all that jazz said you have done well here and it was a piece I have come to enjoy and I hope you grace the portal with more nifty tracks such as this fine piece, untill next time friend, but keep making great quality stuff.

would love to see more of these types with more depth within the vocals you dont need changes within this piece as its awsome


Very nice

so this one was very nice work here the sound quality was good but the sound volume could be louder and this could be longer, but I do like the theme here with this track here and would be great to see you extend this one anyways nice work and sound

the sound quality was good but the sound volume could be louder and this could be longer



I love the start of it is well played out and trancends into the next element of it, a solid piece of work and no changes needed, But I must say that this was pretty good tune I was enjoying it, there was no real negitive points except for a few basic stuff, but overall a decent track here. and so I end this here shortly, I would like to say you have outdone yourself in a unique way keep that up, As you can see the end of this review is near, but before I go its an interesting and highly entertaining piece and was a pleasure to review this and look forward to more, but for now I will stop here before I bore you.

a solid piece of work and no changes needed



So this was cool I like the guitar in this and it has some good quality the vocals are nice but maybe as a suggestion have the guitar volume slightly lower so the vocals can come out more, but anyways this was a nice little track you have created here.

maybe as a suggestion have the guitar volume slightly lower so the vocals can come out more



Very nice and soothing music here no changes are needed its very nice work, You presented a decent track here with some unique sounds, and some decent quality In it all, making for a decent track and I really came to enjoy it right from the start. So keep on doing what you got cause you have something good going, keep up the interesting sounds, So with all that said and such, I will bring this review to a close but before I go remember you have some good talents and hope you make more stuff like this soon, because I will be on the look out for more.

no changes are needed its very nice work


A nice sound

So this was a nice sound here it has a strong video game sound about it, and thats what I liked about it this sdoes seem like it could be longer though, anyways you have some nice sound here and would love to hear more sometime, anyways keep making music and keep it real.

possibly make this longer


Very nice sound

So this one here was some nice sound you have here some cool vibe about it even you have some really nice sound quality aswell onlything I would change or ad onto this might be some longer version of it but overall this was cool, anyways great stuff indeed.

onlything I would change or ad onto this might be some longer version of it



So while this was kind of short this was still pretty good I love the deep sound you have on this, it has some nice sound and a good rythem but again is too short, I would suggest making this longer and adding even more frames and bars on this its a nice tune.

Could be longer


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