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Nice beat

This one had a nice beat with some very good rythem my onlything about this tune was that it was too short, but was still pretty good and some quality sound on this one, but besides that you have a nice little tune here and hope to check out more of your work.



so this was a nice and simple piece I do think some added sounds could advance on this tune so even if it was a tad longer, but regardless its some nice sound F/X for sure you have some good talents and showcase it here so good efforts indeed.


This is nice

This was really nice and has a very good vibe and good quality about it i like the changes the subtle ones all throughout and does have a unique sound about it i was really impressed with this one so awsome job indeed i look forward to even more from you.


Cool sounds

So this one has a nice build up and has a sort of erotic feel about it i did think the ending could have more depth more if cliff hangar but overall a good tune right here so please do make more like this one i liked it very good stuff indeed.


A nice tune

Here was a nice tune has a really nice spooky feel and ghostly actions it all comes together and has a nice dark feel about it a good vibe of tune here so really nice work on this one i liked it



I like the vibe on this one you have a nice soft feel on this but also brings some nice flavour to the table and thats a plus here with good sound and good quality. So nice work indeed


Jazzy vibe

This one has a nice and jazzy vibe you really bring some flavour to the table with some quality of sound and a good mixture all around so nice job here anyways nice jazzy feel too a good vibe indeed



This was pretty cool and has some nice sound i really like the vibe if this you had some nice sound here just wish this piece was longer but overall this was pretty good sounding


Love it

So this was pretty good even has some final fantasy element within it all really nice vibe and you gave it your own twist of flavor and then added some onlything i might suggest would be to make it somewhat longer but overall this was pretty cool so anyways nice tune here



This tune has a sort of zesty of funky sound about it and thats what i like about it i did feel like this could have been even longer though maybe some deeper sounds too but overall it was a nice sound of work here


Rekuiem responds:

I think this is one of the wettest sounds/beats I've produced. I was thinking about the concept of bubbly music, I appreciate your feedback because as I get back into producing I have to figure out what from this journal are things worth revisiting.

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