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Nice vibe

Does have the vibe of those mentioned some good flavour all throughout i wish this was longer with even more choices but its some solid work and good quality so nice work indeed


ADR3-N responds:

Oh geez this is old. Thanks for stopping by! It's good to see you still out here doing the Lord's work <3

Well notbad

I have to say even at thirteen seconds long this still has some good vibe about it with some nice flavour and a good stylish sound has some good quality about it too so nice work


Very nice

This was nice and does have an eighties and even a nineties feel right up my alley a good groove here some nice vibe and flavour on this one. Anyways nice track here you sir are very talented


Really nice

And this was some really nice sound i especially love all the guitar sounds and play through gas a nice vibe and flavour about it and you really bring it together with everything else anyways nice sounds here



Another nice tune here what i liked with this piece was that it drops then builds up once again and brings on more of that unique sound and that was a plus for me so good quality work and sound here hope to find more of your great tracks


Nice sound

Some really nice sound on this one i really like the delay in there it really gives off a nice and unique effect really nice tune here and builds up too so was pretty impressed wirh your work on this one keep up the amazing tunes


Really nice

You have a nice vibe of sound and really make this one work with the mix and various sound changes even has an old sound style like some video game style and that made it even more fun so awsome job on this mix hope you make even more like this one



Well here was a unique find with some unique sounds the banjo and kazoo are diferent but made it unique and the guitar was my fave so awsome job here just wish it was a tad longer but anyways a great and creative sound here i look forward to even more like this so please do keep up the amazing sound works


Nice work

This was some really nice yet unique sound i found this to be more unique then anything else and really came a live it was some nice sound wish this piece was actually longer but it has a good vibe. Anyways keep up the amazing sound works


Very good stuff

You have some very nice stuff here and a good vibe of sound i do think a slow down point then a build it back up point would be a plus on things here but anyways really nice work indeed keep up the good sound making its nice stuff


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