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Interesting sound

so this was an interesting sound I cant place the instraments used but have to say it was a nice little tune you have here it has some nice sounds and some interesting ones, I like that this piece was a bit longer then five seconds made it feel more like something more anyways nice job

a nice piece of sound here no changes needed that I can hear or see.


Cyberdevil responds:

The instruments are pretty much just really distorted and low quality guitar on this one. XD

Thanks for the review!

Notbad again

So seems here was another short clip it was really short for six seconds and was very fast paced it has a nice quality about almost wish it was a tad longer maybe some tempo changes even but it was also nice as is its a good little tune you have here.

No changes per say it was a nice short tune.


Cyberdevil responds:

Got a looot of these short loop ones. :) Thanks for the review!


So this one sounds simular to the Xhip1's other versions but you can hear some subtle differances but being at ten seconds short its a tad hard regardless it was a nice and interesting beat here just wish there was much more mixture and even longer anyways nice beat here.

it was a nice and interesting beat here just wish there was much more mixture and even longer but anyways make more stuff sometime


Cyberdevil responds:

Yeah they're all a little similar, all part of the same series and all. Thanks man!


So this particular one was pretty nice I like the vibe of this and it does have that hip hop sound looks like some good energy went into this just wish it was a tad longer still pretty nice beat you have going on here so nice job indeed great stuff indeed.

only beef here was wish it was a tad longer.


Cyberdevil responds:

Yepp, today a little extra length would definitely have been a good thing, back in 2004 it felt like this was pretty long already I think. Filesize thing. Thanks for reviewing!

Very nice

Now this one has a hip sound to it even it being just over a minute is still ok but wouldnt mind if this was a tad longer its some nice sound and has that hip sound of mixture here really nice stuff besides it being somewhat short its a quality piece

As mentioned above.


Cyberdevil responds:

Length is always the shortcoming with these huh, noted.


Well that was decent another short loop this one does seem to have some quality about it regardless but I do like it so nice job on this one seems like some added tempo changes would be nice but other then that this was actually a decent little loop you have going on here.

maybe some tempo changes and maybe even longer


Cyberdevil responds:

Gotcha. :) Thanks for the feedback.

Decent loop

So here was another decent loop you have here you have some nice sound just seems there was no depth to it no build up no tempo changes just straight forward maybe that was the intense it was simple but could be used for a nice short scene and sound /FX

could use some added depth and tempo change bit was nice


Cyberdevil responds:

It is a bit short yeah, thanks for the review!


So this was notbad a nice little loop here im not the fondest of loops but they do serve there purpose for sound F/X and short scenes this one was decent and has some decent quality to it its a loop so I probobably wouldnt change it its decent work.

no changes on this loop


Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks for reviewing!

Nice work

Some nice work here and some nice sound i like the vibe and you give it some good flavour it really all comes together well from start to end but anyways a good tune here


Very nice

I like the vibe of this has an impact moment like in an action flick of some type and you really make it feel real has some strong output and the tune itself is not very long and not short either but just right. Anyways nice work here.


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