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A nice beat

so the beat is pretty amazing and synks into its folowing beat well this was another short piece but maybe the intent was a loop and thats cool too, you have some nice sound talents would have loved to hear some mixture of the beats here and more variations, anyways nice work.

As suggested


Cyberdevil responds:

Glad you liked it :)

That has a nice beat

I have to say even as short as this one was, that is really nice beat there almost feel like you could really advance on this one and make it into a longer song of some types but for what it is very nice beat indeed anyways keep up the good work on sound and music.

As mentioned


Cyberdevil responds:

Glad you liked! :)


so this one being techno has some really nice sound and you really have a nice flow of it from start to finish while its only ten seconds long seems like it could be longer maybe some mixture of added sounds in there unless this was more meant to be a loop.

as suggested


Cyberdevil responds:

It was meant to be more of a loop yes. :) Thanks for the review!

Very short

so this particular one maybe a loop not sure but was pretty short and there was not too much variation in it, would have been nice with some mixture of the sounds maybe a drop of some sort then build back up just an idea though anyways nice sound work here.

as suggested


Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks for reviewing!

Really nice

Seems like you are really good with this music stuff, the title Sunny Days reflects off the tune very well this is one of those pieces you could really have some vocals with and would make a really nice track anyways nice efforts on this one so keep up the fun music.

maybe some added vocals


Cyberdevil responds:

I really should do a vocal thing with this one...


Well its great for a nice sound effect it has some beats in there but still have a nice quality maybe you could put a few more beats with this and extend it just a tad might make for a better outcome but will say it was actually notbad, and has its own unique twist about it, but anyways keep making music and sounds as its always a pleasure to hear different stuff.

could be extended a bit


Cyberdevil responds:

Will do and thanks for the review!

Interesting piece here

Well this was an interesting piece here its a tad bit short but has its own style and theme my opinion is have it build up more the first eight seconds seems like you could have an improved build up of this piece even as old as this is, I still found this to be pretty good and do hope to hear more of your tunes and sounds, anyways good stuff once again untill next time.

Some added build up.


Cyberdevil responds:

Noted. :) Thanks for the critique!


Well this was notbad has a sort of straigh forward sound not too much on changes along the middle maybe it could be even longer with some mixture in there unless this was all intended I do think it was a nice short piece with some good quality sound about it, but besides all that it was fun reviewing your sound here today and I look forward to even more down the road.

as suggested


Cyberdevil responds:

Solid review man. :) Thanks


While it is another loop it still has some decent quality to it, has that old school feel of the newgrounds song but I guess thats the intent, but overall this was a nice little loop doesnt seem that hard to process either but for what it is, its a nifty little toon.

no changes it was solid.


Cyberdevil responds:

Glad you liked! :)

Nice little beat

Nice beat so its a fun little loop would have been nice to hear this in something like a longer version of a song but as for a loop its pretty interesting it does have some nice sound added to it and I like the fast vibe of it all anyways nice job here.

would have been nice to hear this in something like a longer version of a song


Cyberdevil responds:

There is a longer version of this one too. :) Can be found at... wait I can't seem to find the full thing, suppose it was one of the tracks that were taken down back when I was hacked... don't have it on my site either but I'll hopefully be adding in all things currently missing there eventually. Should be there in a few years at latest.

Thanks for the review!

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