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I love the classic feel here and you bring a deep quality sound with your track here, kind of reminds me of a vampyre movie of some sort, you do have something decent just go with it, A fun piece you have here but seemed to all come together at the right times, Now that this review is near the end I just want to say here this left a good taste with me, And im sure future stuff will leave an even better taste.


Very intense

Wow I have to say that this was an intense beat has a sort of trance/Techno feel about it and you really know how to make it beat well kind of like at an old rave club, You have a good track here it was interesting, and sometimes it felt differant, Im not good on judging audio stuff, but I must say that this was still pretty amazing so nice job indeed keep it up.


Very nice

So this is a good track here and does have that video game style about it love how it plays out with a nice rythem really nice work, you did a decent job on this one, I really enjoy when stuff such as this one come thru the portal. but as I do finish up here, it also makes me want to check out more of what you have to offer, Because this was really solid work that you have presented here.


BenTibbetts responds:

Alright, thanks!


So this was notbad i like the vibe and flavour this one gives off really good sounds on this one you also bringout some interesting twists in this and found this piece to be a delight so nice job on this track anyways keep it up.



This was not very long but not too short either came off very well and ready was a nice tune here. Wish it was longer anyways you have some nice talents like this track here.


Cool jazz

Wow. I give this one the wow factor as it really does have that jazzy feel and you bring it to life with each new jazzy point so props to you on this piece its got vibe and flavour.


Nice work

This was nice dis seem a bit loud but has a nice unique vibe and sounds just seems a bit loud but that could be your intent but honestly it was a nice little track you have created.


Very creative

I found this piece to be very creative with some nice vibes and sound work it runs smooth and plays off well i really love how this starts and finishes a very nice piece keep up the amazing work. Anyways untill next time.


Nice vibe

This one has a nice vibe going on and i really like how it plays into each new tune you gave it some real vibe and texture awsome sounds and it was not short by any means really good flavour so keep making tunes like this as it was some solid work indeed anyways nice work.


Wow nice

Wow now this was dang good I knew you had some potential but with this track you really pushed the limmits and the voice comes off good you have a nice beat in the backround to really make it like a song also love that its not a short little clip but more of a song here, Now I could see you advancing on this with adding some drops and building up the backround sound to the wording but really was a nice piece and even though its a tad dated still has some good quality about it so really nice job indeed so please do keep it up.


Cyberdevil responds:

Can't wait till you get to some of my newer ones. XD Glad you liked this though! Old but go... ing to keep going fo rizzle. Newer and better. Truant forever.

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