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Nice sound

This was nice it has a nice and trippy sound here i like the vibe on this 9ne and you make all the sounds come alive and thats a plus it makes it unique so nice job indeed make more


Nice trance beat

Alright what can I say to start this off it was a nice trance beat would have loved a more harder build up, So here we are at the end of this review but before I do go, I do want to say it was a pleasure to review this piece as it did catch my interest, And I look forward to review any next ideas of creative tracks.


Wow nice

Here was another pleasent and refreshing sound I really liked the style you gave this it has a movie element about it like a war recovered and or a sunset element, anyways keep up the unique style I like it. This track is disputably one of the most interesting I have heard in awhile.


Nice tune

This was a pleasent and refreshing tune here, flows along nice kind of like running through a field, I do like the Rhythm that you have composed here makes for one decent piece, with some good flavor about it, it had some nice audio, some nice sounds and somewhat differant but it does show that you have put the effort forward and thats all that really matters.


Very nice beat

This took off right from the start and has some awsome beat and flavour I have nothing negitive to say about this fine tune, So before I leave this review I will say that it was a pleasure and I hope you keep making things like this one as it was decent with all the unique sounds.


A beautiful sound

There was nothing too crazy here has some deep depth and quality sound and plays from start to finish with some awsome fashion, Here we have a decent tune nice job on what you do have, I wouldnt mind checking out more stuff soon, but anyways good track sofar.



I found this one to be pretty beautiful a nice tune soft sounding and pleasent and has a deep vibe, Well I hope you keep these sort of tunes up and keep making them, this one was nice and unique, and you dont hear that all the time so keep up the decent effort, and the quality of work as this one had lots of that.


Has good depth

This was a nice tune and has a nice depth to it I did wish there was more build up and more of a climax at the end, A fun theme you have here this was pretty interesting and I found this to be unique and some good quality about it sofor that good job. This entry had a certain Charm to it and thats what I think made me like this more then anything but I really do like this.


Awsome sound

So this is awsome and does have that rave techno feel and sound to it, so my ending to this is keep doing what brings you entertainment and the quality will shine. so I hope to hear more of your sounds soon, It shines with quality and lots of flavor.



So this was some nice drum and bass would work very well with some words behind it too, Nice track here it was giving me some interest in all that you have applied to it and there was some alright effort heard in this one, So now ill leave you with just a few more words, your sound is cool and nifty, you have a nice mix and you gave it a uniqe touch.


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