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So this was an intense sound I do like it just wish you had made more of it maybe even had some backround sound or chimes that could accent the words even more you could even take this into some sort of song if longer just an idea there, overall I liked it has a nice vibe and flavour about it and found it to be a fun little clicp, but regardless hope you make more sometime.


Cyberdevil responds:

Mmm my annunciation definitely wasn't the best back when I made this, hopefully I'm getting bette. Glad you liked it though!


Seems like a good tune seems like you really love music and seems like you tend to come up with some good vibes like this one has some good wording a nice backround sound and a bit of flavour as well, and thats a plus I suggest keep building onto it and make it twist and turn for the better of your idea and such, I personally liked it has a good vibe and flavour surrounding it, and do hope you make more.


Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks man :) More shall come...

Yes indeed

Well yes indeed it is a short loop but I for one see your short loops getting better this one only being 20 sec long is not bad has some good rythem to it and flows along with each new element and tune, now ofcourse I do wish it was longer and had more song about it, but overall you have a nice loop here with lots of flavour so anyways keep doing what you do and what you enjoy.


Cyberdevil responds:

Appreciate it :)


So this was pretty good I like the sound you have here it is pretty intense but really short I could see you adding and extending this tune with lots more to it, it has a nice fast vive and good intense sound, just wish there was more to this anyways nice work.

Could be longer



Well its notbad at all and is not very long a good straight forward sound no major changes within it and maybe thats the intent but overall this was some nice sound I do think mixing it up and adding in more variety would be nice, its a good tune.

I do think mixing it up and adding in more variety would be nice



I love this and has some good chimes playing starts off good and kicks in with a good flow of videogame like feel like running through a level but overall very nice feel good sound and good flavour so nice job indeed



Another part of that project I am assuming regardless you have some nice sound works and I could see people using these pieces even in some sci-Fi elements of animations and whatnot this one was another short piece it was nice though as always I do wish these were longer but you get no complaints from me as it was a nice little tune here so keep up the cool sounds, You have some nice potential not sure if you plan to persue something but from the sound of it looks like you have some decent quality in what you do.


Cyberdevil responds:

Part of the same project indeed. :) There's a longer version with all parts combined if you want to hear them all abridged - and longer - though maybe you got to that one already.

Thanks for the review!


Well this was different from most of your other pieces the voice is notbad I think if it slowed down at break points and allowing for more listen time would be something nice but ofcourse its your piece but did find it to be pretty good and would love to see use your vocals in more pieces, but besides all that this was a nice and unique sound with a good vibe surrounding it.

As suggested


Cyberdevil responds:

Different's my style. :P Thanks for the review!

Nice beat

Well you do have a nice little beat here and allthough its just seven seconds long it has some good quality sound about it, so nice work regardless, starts off at a good pace too and just drives well for the remainder of the seven seconds lol, no but really this was some nice solid sound and you make good solid sounds Seems like you could make one larger file so people can use all the loops and sound/FX but anyways keep up the good work and I look forward to even more from your files.

Would have liked it longer but being short is your intent and thats fine too


Cyberdevil responds:

Definitely a small file this one! From back when that was a good thing. :)

Thanks for the rev.


So as I go thru some of your audio work here this particular one was a tad different and the vocals are nice kind of feel like it should be sped up unless it was intended that way and some added sound in the backround would be nice and ad into the quality of this, but besides that this was something different and a bit unique and I liked it so keep doing what you do.

As suggested maybe sped up but then again its good as is.


Cyberdevil responds:

Noted, thanks!

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