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Well this was notbad I do like the sound here the guitar was nice but did find this one to be a tad short and the quality could be much more improved but honestly this was a nice little loop and you made for a good little track here just wish it was longer but dont get me wrong I did like it, anyways hope to checkout more of your work down the road.


Good stuff

This was pretty good stuff and you really made it feel like I was right there especially with the drums in there I believe it was the drums, but regardless some really nice quality and you gave it, its own flavour so awsome job indeed, you really grasp the feel of this one almost like its in concert of some type, but honestly it was a pleasure to review and I enjoyed it.


A nice beat

Here was another nice beat you have here really short and fast but that may have been the intent, seems like this is a loop you could really add onto with some added build ups and drops and a bit more has some decent quality about it and that beat has a nice vibe about it and was pretty impressed with it as a whole just wish there was much more to it, but regardless this was a nice little tune here.


Cyberdevil responds:

Indeed all loops from the early days were meant to be as small and short as possible. :) Best practices really have changed a lot since... appreciate the review!


So this was an interesting sound sounds more like you were trying to test something but really like the different takes on things and the ending with the music was a nice touch, this was nice though and its different from what I normally listen too so overall I foiund it to be a good little track with something different anyways keep up the good work on future stuff.


Cyberdevil responds:

It's a different one for sure. XD TY X!

Really nice

This is some good sounds here something I could really jive too, I thaught :000 thru :006 was really good and it kind of drops afterwards but was not very long but still found this to have some nice flavour of sound and a good jamming element so awsome job and found this to be one of your better clips anyways keep up the awsome work as always keep it real and keep it going.


Cyberdevil responds:

Mmm agree the first part's probably the best part, a bit more upbeat; dynamic pace there.

Will do and thanks for reviewing!


Well not sure what to think about it, but maybe it was just a test of some sorts, but the quality of sound is good and solid, Now I could see you adding more to this maybe more behind it like a theme or backround music of some type, but regardless this was pretty good stuff.


Cyberdevil responds:

Twas a more experimental phase of mine for sure. XD

Nice work

This was nice I like the vibe and beat of this I think all its missing is you laying down a beat infront of the music seems like you have some solid sounds here and each sound has flavour for the next comming on beat, making it something good to kick too, so with all that said you have made some nice beat here with lots of vobe and flavour, anyways nice stuff.


Cyberdevil responds:

Appreciate it!


This one has a trippy sound about it as it has a solid game like feel and you really mix it up too very good mix here love the dark and domminant feel on this one, could even be a tad longer but you have a very nice tune here look forward to even more from you, infact I cant help but not stop listening to this piece, its a very nice track and do hope you make more.



This was cool I love the impact sound this one has right from the start it jumps out at you with some impact sound and flavour, Would have loved some even more build up just before the ending but honestly this was some solid stuff and really enjoyed it as a whole, and I think with that note you have really impressed me with your work here it was a solid track.



Well this was something different for sure and it has a nice speed up and the tools of the trade always come in handy and have to say you really made a good mix of this, seems really fast and for a min long was kind of short so maybe making it longer and extending it a bit with even more mix but honestly I liked the sound here and you made it work and made it unique.


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