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Some really nice playthough with this one its flows with style, A very unique feel I thought the sounds are great with this one and you had really impressed me with this entry I just love what you did here with the sounds so nice efforts there, The guitar on this was pretty impressive and a stylish sound, and while this track and review are close to the end here I will just say you have some decent efforts here, Great guitar on this


Very nice and some nice video game sound here with this one, I like the slow rhythms on this and fun beats really nice playthough here, And a great way to end this as well with all these interesting sounds


This was nice and for me this one has an eighties sound about it but that could just be me lol, But anyways once again some nice music and you have really showcased some quality music


I love the slow beat and sound on this one with some beautiful sound, It was a pleasure listening to this it was differant yet still pretty good not what I would normally listen too but still something good here, You have some nice talents and make it work in this slow beautiful son, so keep up what you are doing because you have something great going on here and would love to hear more, A beautiful piece of music here


datboi7os responds:

thank you so much for this amazing comment!! I'm really glad you liked it! <33

Another good beat and rhythem that works so well together some good jamming sound with what you got here only issue I had and doesnt really matter but it was pretty short but it being a loop I understand, keep making awsome music as this was some solid sound, But besides all that mojo hope you make more amazing music as you have created here anyways untill next time


Cyberdevil responds:

Thank you!

Well as always waterflame you make some very nice music and interesting sounds so nice job on this very nice and unique piece its pretty solid sounds


A nice vibe of energy in this tune So as I have listened to this track a few times its interesting some parts are even better but it was a pretty good tune it was differant in someways And some really good vocals as well really went so well with the music etc, but most of all I did like what you presented here and ill just say keep going with that, Love the sound here especially the vocals


Some nice beats here with this one good deep beats too very unique sound here, you gave this some nice rhythm and have composed a nice piece here Keep up this type of quality


The music was very nice indeed and love how you build it up and added some mixes, You have made this reviewer enjoy what you have and made an iconic piece that will be remembered as a great jamming tune


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