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More great piano

So you have more great piano on here and I love how softly it plays with some nice sense of walk through a field of flowers or something you build it up though and that was pretty cool, so nice job there, I think you adding even more build up would be pretty cool.

Adding some intense build up along with some slow easing fade out so that the build up can come alive in an intense mode, so nice job there. more build up is a plus.


Nice tune

Really nice piano here, the piano plays well and I love the soft tune you do have on this it was pretty good made for a nice and lovely flow, so good piano on this one, I would ad more mixture in there though more deeper piano even, just an idea I would throw at you.

More mixture and maybe some deeper piano.


FelixZophar responds:

Well. I made this over a year ago. I wasn't very good. Listen to some of my new stuff.

Beautiful sound

Really some nice sound you have here, it has a great "VIBE" about it, not sure what I would suggest for improvment on this piece its a solid piece, the vocals are nice too, maybe some speed ups here and there with that quality sound you bring, There are some things that really stand out here, I and others have perceived this piece as some good sounds I like what I am hearing sofar, some parts of this are Immeasurable and I have never been that much for songs like this, so I can't give it a full review but this was a Great song otherwise, to be honest this was really good, So my Summary is not much here but you have some Charm

not sure what I would suggest for improvment on this piece its a solid piece, the vocals are nice too, maybe some speed ups here and there with that quality sound you bring


TenodiBoris responds:

Thanks for the review :)

Nice sound

So this was cool and a nice sound you have here, So I have listened to a bit of your work and its notbad this one had a good sense of quality sound on it and was just pretty good work overall, anyways nice track here I like the energy and effort you put into this and all your work.

No changes on this nice track here.


Nice beat

Nice "BEAT" really nice beat here and has some decent build up to it, some added drops or fade outs and even more build ups would be a plus on this, but overall this was some nice sound work you have here, you bring in some nice quality to this and it shows so nice job there.

some added drops or fade outs and even more build ups would be a plus on this



Cant say I have heard your first one but this was pretty cool and I do love how this flows, you have a long song here and thats a plus even so nice job there, maybe some small build up and fade out would be cool on this one, but other then that this was cool.

Some small build up.


Nice beat

Wow I have to say this one has a nice beat about it with a good rythem to it, you put some nice "ENERGY" into this has a video game feel to it but then has some nice variaty about it aswell, I was really impressed with this whole piece, would love more faster beat in this I think it would benifit from it a great deal, anyways nice sound.

would love more faster beat in this I think it would benifit from it a great deal



So this was rather unique and has a "NEW" and different sound on it, I do wish you sped up the tempo much faster from the start as it seemed like it needed a bigger kick start, but its a "UNIQUE" sound you have here, Wow this was very nice, it really kind of comes alive and very well done, clear and sharp good quality all the way around, thats what really stood out for me, Not on this one, and now as we end on this one, I like what you have done here it was interesting and if theres anything to make better about it I will suggest that just below, but for now I like the sound I am listening too.

I do wish you sped up the tempo much faster from the start as it seemed like it needed a bigger kick start


RetromanOMG responds:

I just upped the BPM in my project file from 140 to 150, and I have to say, I much prefer the effect that slight increase has on the track's pacing. I will be updating this with a faster version in a little bit, once I go over it and see if there are other things that could use tweaking. I appreciate the feedback.


Nice mixture of sounds that you have put together here you bring together something different and unique, its stuff like that, that make me really enjoy this kind of sound alot better. So this was cool I like how you do have some mixture in this, about half waiy into the track it gets a little dull maybe you can kick it up a notch there or something, but other then that this was a cool track I do like some of the fading out and slight build up more of that would be cool though. You do have some nice sound here some slight changes here or there down the road but for what you do have its impressive. But anyways keep doing what you do this was unique and different and I enjoyed it.

I do like some of the fading out and slight build up more of that would be cool though


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