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Nice work

This was a nice refreshing piece love the fun theme So for the most part this was kind of interesting the quality was better then expected really good work here, You have a new fan here and will look for much more of your sound just like you presented here so nice work indeed, im sure you could in time mix some new sounds in there but for now its notbad, and is pretty solid sounds and mixture


NitroOrient responds:

thanks man


its something cool You have graced us with some nice work here and I hope you will grace us again with even more fine works Very fast paced on this tune and has some nice vibeas it picks up speed but still some nice quality, anyways great stuff here.


Very nice

Love this piece and while it was long it was deep and good quality There are some things that really stand out here I and others have perceived this piece as some good sounds I like what I am hearing sofar, some parts of this are Immeasurable and I have never been that much for songs like this so I can't give it a full review but this was a Great song otherwise, to be honest this was really good, So my Summary is not much here but you have some Charm And you made that charm work well and made a smooth track here


Good stuff

You have another good tune here and really does have that video game feel about it has some great flavour and really kicks it in to speed so with all that jazz said keep it reall and dont be a stranger, and grace us with more of your gems, anyways nice tune.


Really intense

Love the soft build up too This has some Irresistible Appeal Well the titile says it all on this one and is fitting to the name sake, So you have something here And I like what it represents. its something cool You have graced us with some nice work here and I hope you will grace us again with even more fine works. so with all that jazz said keep it reall and dont be a stranger, and grace us with more of your gems, As this was a great gem find among the many immatations


Zoolsepicmusic responds:

Really kind words, thanks 😁

Wow nice

The piano is so nice in this one and you bring some very good quality So as I am Rummaging thru the audio portal on this day I have seen some Razor-Sharp submissions with a keen sound and you bring that a live so awsome work indeed love that piano very good stuff.


BenTibbetts responds:



I found this to be a nice sound I love that it does have a nice jazzy feel about it and really has that jazzy vibe and flavour it's not a short little tune either was pretty impressed with it as a whole but regardless you have a nice tune here


Nice loop

I like the loop here and really like the vibe of it all I do wish this was a tad longer maybe even some added mixture about it too like an ending climax of sorts but for the lil loop I found it to be pretty solid with a nice vibe indeed. But besides all that this was some nice work here


Nice sound

This was some nice sound you really do have the ambiance sound in this one I love the vibe and flavour you bring into this one making it a pretty solid piece it was pretty deep too so it plays off well at its own pace so nice quality here but anyways keep up the good vibes


Wow nice sound

What can I say here this was pretty nice Wow this was an intense piece you have created here I really love the depth of this and for all the years that you have been showcasing your work you really have improved to some nice quality I especially love what the backroun elements do for this piece as you really make it work in a unique way, An interesting vibe you have here but I have to say this did have me interested in this kind of mix, so nice effort here on this one, you really grasp the feel of this one almost like its in a grand movie, anyways a great and amazing tune here.


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