
7,572 Audio Reviews

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This tetris theme had a scary sound about it but also add in some good energy with the passion of the Tetris flavour so props to you on this idea and while there are other Tetris styles I think you knocked this one out of the park so nice energy level in this Tetris piece


The whole tune was nice but really liked that piano at the start of this whole piece would have loved to have that stretch out more, overall this was a solid tune all throughout anyways a nice track here


A nice and loud sound you have created here it plays well and some nice quality here And once again I will say this was some nice energy and style sound you bring to the table, Good tune here keep up the nice sounds


Fantastic Tetris has a sort of rock element A brilliant piece here the fact that you bring forward a Tetris element and themed piece makes it all that much better and I love the Tetris style here you give it some really nice sound quality


You are amazing with the piano and right from the start you start jamming with the keys and really drive the tune with so much passion and quality, Its a pleasure to review this and stuff like this This review is near its end but its a nice piece you have here, very nice indeed and cant wait for even more


Another awsome sound this one gets right into it and has some good build from start to finish love the deep sounds and how it just jams out some really nice sound here, but anyways keep it real love this piece


More great beats you have put on the board some awsome work you are very talented and the music shines you bring on some high impact sound and thats what I liked about this piece here keep at it


Oh wow you really know how to lay down the tunes this particular one has some nice vibe about it awsome work on the keys here, untill next time keep up the amazing and fantastic sound work just as you have done here


Congrats indeed on the frontpage well deserved and the quality of this piece is just so very good some solid sound, So I found this to have good value all about it even if it was a bit different but thats my review


Its always amazing to see what one can do with these types of music tracks and you have some solid work here and you really pushed some nice quality this one here was jamming good so nice work here


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