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I love the drops on this and the build up very nice, Some parts of this are Immeasurable and I have never been that much for songs like this But you really pushed some nice quality here, so I can't give it a full review but this was a Great song otherwise


Krupinkin responds:

Thnx! This is somehow a improvisation I make to practice skills. The harmony and melody are very simple, anyway the main work here is combination of sounds and mixdown. I have started with base that consists of 2 sounds - base gutar by NI and some sub electronic base. Also I have applied some new way of organizing the space with synths.
The aim was to make it sound good and solid.
And I love this style ) I used to be a DJ and disco house was one of my favorite styles to play.

This was notbad and can really see people using this as there Tetris themed piece because it's a solid piece of music and sound you even bring some nice quality about it all but for a Tetris tune it was some solid work indeed so please do make more like this


A beautiful tune here with some really good quality love the slow play of this and just sounds nice, Its something cool You have graced us with some nice work here and I hope you will grace us again with even more fine works, Keep up the great music pieces


Cool beans and a nice tetris battle with this one some epic sounds A nice audio you have and the fact it's based around Tetris is nice I like the vibe and style here but you really gave this tune that classic feel of Tetris


AlxEllis responds:


Some nice rythems and beats here a good quality playthrough, the song and tune here has a nice high sound and good impact and just plays all through the track so for me I liked this piece here


Oh wow the piano for one was amazing and you make it your own and still have that Tetris element so nice vibe and nice take on the Tetris theme so awesome job there. It's pieces like this that make it that much better so awesome job on the style here


Oh this was nice I like the vocals on this one here and they play very well to the sound and music you gave it the passion of the music and voice so awsome job on this one, Love of effort and energy that you put into this nice job


Nice chimes and mixes of chimes to get the tetris sound comming Very good track here with this Tetris themed piece you really made it sound solid like the Tetris theme and give it that classic feel you have also gone in and made some changes to really mix it up


Very different I love the pull back and the sounds giving it some intense pull back then right back to the sound of it all, so this was well composed and why thats just a small Summary but anyways now that this is comming to an end I will say that you have impressed me with all the detail


There was some really nice piano that plays through this, and its a slow build up and really love the rhythem that this plays through and the techno really takes form after the piano so really nice work here


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